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Bram Harker ([info]harkerlegacy) wrote,
@ 2010-12-19 23:42:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: On Record
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Bram Harker
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Bram is 6' 1" and 180lbs. Bram has blue eyes and dark blond hair.
Age: 22
Birthday: May 13
PB: (If using one.) Kellan Lutz
Abilities: Combat Training: Bram has been extensively trained in how to fight by his grandfather and his associates which continued after his grandfather's death.

Encyclopedia Like Knowledge of the Supernatural: Before Quincy's death he taught Bram everything he knew about the supernatural with a focus on vampires. He also learned what every he could from his grandfather's friends. He also did his own research to learn even more about the supernatural beyond what they could teach him which is why Bram despite his young age is one of the foremost scholars of the supernatural.

Well Supplied: He inherited the Harker estate after his grandfather's death which makes him quite wealthy while not extremely so it does mean he can do hunting work and not have to really worry about money or a job and has access to all the equipment his grandfather has made over the years and has been adding to it himself though he is not as skilled an inventor as his grandfather was.

Weaknesses and flaws: Bram is a normal human being and has all the weaknesses that come with that.
Character location/Home: Mobile but maintains his family house in England as a base in case he needs it
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?):Edith Harker- Mother(Dead), Quincy Harker- Grandfather(Dead), Elizabeth Harker- Grandmother(Dead)

Backstory: Bram was born to Edith Harker she never said who the father was. While she respected her father's work she did not want that life for her or her son but still remained close to her father.

When Bram was barely a year old Edith was kidnapped by Dracula and turned into a vampire to get revenge on Quincy who was forced to kill her at her request using the last of her will not to give over the the bloodthirst.

Bram was raised by his Grandfather to be a hunter and taught him all he could with help from his associates.

When Bram was ten years old Quincy had one final showdown with Dracula in which he temporarily took Dracula out at the cost of his own life. From then on he was raised and trained by his grandfather's associates like Rachael Van Helsing and Frank Drake.

When Bram was fifteenth he played a minor support role in the battle against Dracula in which the Montesi Formula was used to wipe out all the vampires on earth. With that many hunters either tried to retire to a normal life or started hunting other things.

It was attempted to get Bram to live a normal life but since this was all he ever knew it did work and as soon as he was old enough he started hunting himself and providing information to friends.

He currently does a lot of work by himself but likes to hunt with other people when he can. Since it has been years since there were vampires he is not to concerned with vampires like he was when he was younger and is a more general hunter though does still have a soft spot for vampire hunts when he does them. He has also heard unconfirmed rumors about Dracula's resurrection but hasn't had time to look into that being busy with other matters.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Working on his latest hunt
What are you planning to do with this character?:  Deal with Supernatural threats
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Learn that there is more to life than hunting

Sample post:
Bram was hunting a disturbance he had picked up on in  Lyon France. Something had been attacking people in a one block area. Details had been a bit sketchy but it was big strong, and tough. It was also roughly human shaped but definitely not human.

Off the top of his head he could think of a lot of things that it could be but some local research he had done in the area had shortened the list to somewhat more manageable but it there still a lot of different ways to kill them that he needed to prepare for.

Bram started staking out the place that most of the activity was coming from when he saw someone walk by in a massive trench coat and hat that could hide that he was bigger than a person could be.

Bram moved fast and ran up behind him and pulled the coat off him revealing the stone body of a Golem. Bram recognized it quickly having one before. Golem turned around and punched him in the gut sending him backwards hard into a wall.

Bram got up slowly that had hurt a lot but luckily the Golem was slower. At least he knew how to take this thing out fast. He just had to erase the correct letter and the thing was become a pile of rocks again.

Bram saw the letters on the Golem's forehead. He then ripped off part of his sleeve to be able to wipe it the letter with greater ease. He then waited for the Golem to charge him before moving out of the way while wiping off the letter. The Golem hit the wall and crumbled and fell apart.

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