B A S I C SNAME Harfang Hugh Longbottom
NICKNAME Fang, Fangy, Harfles, Fandangle, Longarse
AGE/YEAR 17 / 7th year
BIRTHDATE 12 May 1925
HOUSE Hufflepuff
POSITION Prefect, reserve keeper
HOMETOWN Lancashire, England
HAIR Brown, usually fairly short
EYES Brown
E T Y M O L O G YHARFANG From French
harfang "snowy owl"
HUGH From Germanic
hug "heart", "mind", or "spirit"; also Anglicized form of Irish name
Aodh, from Gaelic
Áed "fire"
LONGBOTTOM Traditional Lancastrian surname
R E L A T I O N S H I P SFATHER Hugh Longbottom, 50 - To come
MOTHER Cliodne (McAllister) Longbottom, 41 - To come
SIBLINGS Pippa Longbottom - Harfang is fiercely protective of his sister, and would do anything to make her happy. He does his best to set a good example for both her and Algie - he knows how Pippa in particular looks up to him. He also knows the power he has over her, and isn't above using it to shut down her little crusades when he thinks they're inappropriate.
Algie Longbottom - As the baby in the family, Harfang does his best to look out for Algie, but tends to be more hands-off than he is with Pippa. Since Algie is a boy, he doesn't want to coddle the lad too much. Nonetheless, he's always will to offer brotherly advice, though he dreads the day when Algie comes to him asking about girls.
ETC A boatload of cousins, including the daughters of his dad's brother:
Enid Longbottom - Enid is family, and for that Harfang forgives her much. He can't help but be fond of her, though he does tend to roll his eyes at her quite frequently, and doesn't hesitate to put her in place if she breaks rules or lets her mouth run away with her.
Agnes Longbottom - TBD
Beatrice Longbottom - TBD
Pamela Longbottom - TBD
Tremella Longbottom - TBD
PETS The Longbottom children share a tawny owl named Darius at school, and their parents have one of their own. Pippa also brought home a cat one day, named it Lacey, and has kept it ever since.
H I S T O R YHarfang Longbottom was born into the pureblooded Longbottom family, the eldest child of one of the family's junior branches. Though purity of blood often equates to a sort of aristocracy in the wizarding world, the Longbottoms don't quite have the money to go along with it, as do some other clans like the Malfoys and Blacks. Hugh Longbottom's branch of the family lives ably enough on the salary of a middle-ranking employee of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophe's Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee, though given the war things are a bit tight at times.
Harfang's childhood was happy enough, and he took naturally to older-brother-hood when his siblings followed. He was always an obedient child, following the rules set by his parents and being the middleman between the elders' authorities and Pippa and Algie; he did his best to explain why Pippa had to go to bed at a particular time or why Algie couldn't have that new toy wand. When the time came to begin at Hogwarts, Harfang was sorted into Hufflepuff like his father.
The boy applied himself diligently to schoolwork, earning good marks more through perseverance than intelligence, though he is by no means dim. Trying out for the quidditch team in second year, he was taken on as a reserve keeper, and has kept that spot through the departure of two starting keepers. Needless to say, he is not particularly good, and has only seen playing time in a game on two occasions - both times the starting keeper having been injured and unable to complete the game. His hardworking nature and diligent adherence to rules earned him a prefect's badge in his fifth year, though not the position of Head Boy in his seventh. He performed well on his OWLs and is taking six NEWTs, in Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.
P E R S O N A L I T YHarfang's defining characteristic is his devotion to family. His brother and sister are his world, and anyone related to the boy has at least one unswerving supporter. Of course, he is capable of disagreeing with them - for example, he can tell Enid off when she's being ridiculous, but Merlin forbid anyone outside the family do the same. He also developed a focus on rules, mostly as a result of wanting to protect Pippa and Algie. If they aren't doing anything wrong, he figures, there's little chance anything untoward will happen to them.
Harfang is eager to please, and makes friends easily enough with those who are willing to put in the effort to be friendly in return. He extends a measure of his family loyalty to his social circle, tirelessly defending his friends. He's also got something of a hero complex, willing to go out of his way to stick up for the little guy. He is somewhat socially awkward, but it's often hard to fault him; he always means well and generally keeps a positive outlook on life.
Z O D I A CTaurus, the nature-loving bull, is a natural sign for Hufflepuffs to be born under. These wizards tend to specialize in herbs and nature spells, also in the husbandry and preservation of magical beasts. Their gentle good natures, open friendliness, hard work, patience, and politeness endear them to most everyone they meet. However, these Hufflepuff Taureans must be careful not to overwork themselves, lest they suffer breakdowns in health. (It has been noticed that Hufflepuffs born under the sign of Taurus swing wildly between overwork and indolence, the lazy periods being used to recharge their energy; they seem to have a problem pacing themselves.) They like their magical workrooms neat and tidy, and prefer peaceful occupations to dangerous or aggressive ones; most Hufflepuffs born under this sign wind up working as hedge witches, village herbalists, and midwives.
PB Justin Long
DISCLAIMER This is fake, J.K. Rowling owns the name Harfang Longbottom and the world of HP, Justin Long owns himself, and I own the leftovers. Layout code graciously borrowed from
didine. Lyrics by Keane. Icons credited in keywords.