User: | hardluckwoman (38124)
Sailor's only daughter, a child of the water, too proud to be a queen. [It's time I started walking, but there's so much you'll never know.]
Name: | Erica Redd |
Website: | Mun's Journal |
Location: | Gloucester, Massachusetts, United States |
Birthdate: | 08-05 |
Email: | pyrateamie@gmail.com
Bio: |  biography . connections . schedule . uniform . style . family tree |
Schools: | None listed |
Friends: |  | 46: | 867_5309, aguas_santas, akio, aliensexist, alittlevague, almost_famous, anastas, atotheb, babalon, cabotine, cantspell, ccimods, che_bel_viso, crescentcitynpc, drummerboy, formaldehyde, gaybee, gimmeskittles, gregoire, hardluckwoman, howemuchtrouble, imperfectly, itsnotjessica, jools, learntofly, littleredd, londonloves, meandmyuke, mightbeclever, mustbecharming, mylollipop, notonyourteam, petitechou, porcelinaofvast, redwritinghood, samtheman, sim, smella, soleada, studiesallnight, thatmachineboy, walktheline, wantsthesky, whodoo, xanvanren, yevgeni |  | 2: | crescentcity, crescentcityooc |
Mutual Friends: | 41: 867_5309, akio, aliensexist, alittlevague, almost_famous, babalon, cabotine, cantspell, che_bel_viso, crescentcitynpc, drummerboy, formaldehyde, gaybee, gimmeskittles, gregoire, hardluckwoman, howemuchtrouble, imperfectly, itsnotjessica, learntofly, littleredd, londonloves, meandmyuke, mightbeclever, mustbecharming, mylollipop, notonyourteam, petitechou, porcelinaofvast, redwritinghood, samtheman, sim, smella, soleada, studiesallnight, thatmachineboy, walktheline, wantsthesky, whodoo, xanvanren, yevgeni |
Also Friend of: | 17: beauregard_glam, chuck_munroe, double_sticks, dungeonmaster, hollyj, jake_frost, mad_hatter, molly_mormon, muttonbuster, nineofwands, thatryderboy, timberrrr, traceur, turnonthebright, voodoo_maman, willingtocheat, zombierobot |
Account type: | Early Free User |