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lauren! ([info]happybirthday) wrote,
@ 2008-04-06 19:19:00

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moved from [info]rowie
comment to be added. I'm not that picky.

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2008-10-16 12:13 am UTC (link)
sorry to bother you but i wanted to do the thing on [info]bluesky where i photoshop halloween stuff on people's faces like you & i have. only your's is much better quality so could you please tell me where you got the vector image of the cat mask in your icon?

i would really appreciate it & i'd be happy to thank you in the post. :]

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2008-10-16 01:11 am UTC (link)
lol, it's from the website picnik.com. they have these "shapes" you can edit any picture. they have many halloween ones.

I hope that explained it and helped you out :)

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2008-10-16 01:37 am UTC (link)
yeah it really did, thanks a ton!!

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2008-10-16 02:15 am UTC (link)
lmao wouldn't you know it, everything works EXCEPT the shapes tab for me. it just keeps saying "loading..." for a long time :[

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