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蜉蝣 [i'm a badass -- TELL ME I'M A BADASS] ([info]hanabi) wrote,
@ 2009-07-04 02:39:00

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Current mood: mpoxer

omgh my mouche machine
I am so drunk roght now!! it'sa been like a yeah and a half since i like3 actually drank anything at all that this is so awesome

hjowly whit this is sao awesome.

oh god kate'as ahere too and she's like wtyf are you trypeing this is so awesome

omfg i misedd t=you so much alcolo

ashe id etrsfinh this icver ,y shoulder and it's really so bad so I can't actia;;u rreally shit what was I gyping? XD

my face is so numb right now this is so fucking awesome omg i love booze so much it's amazing as shit who cares that I work tomorrow this is FUCKSWWEEETT

alskdfjlakjsdlf aI love this so much i am so fucking happyh right now i amlost fel pous of my chair just now wtf

LOL! This is Kate, Skyler's friend! OMG! This is soo bad right now!!!! I apologize if I don't male sense, but we are soooooo fucked up right now! Holy crap, Ashe just tried to pull y pants down, she is getting there!.... Wow, it is taking so long to write this shit! uH WIW.... oH WOW! LOL! ok. back to Mr. Blue Sky now... what! someone touched tat now....lol

we're looking at michel chajson right now XD XDKL but yeah this is so awesome i am so exited right now wtf this liske the happiessy i' ve been in weeks XD oh jesus im acting like a kid wose never drunk before and its really sad xconvidering how much i used to drink at homw XD

ok now im goijnjg i just w3anted to led e e know that i was drinking and then kate aw2as like all iomg lemme type on your computer and i was like oka and athen id dont'r emember whaty happened next xt

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2009-07-04 08:52 am UTC (link)
rtofl we are drunk togethez abd ut;s awesomz. for real. I'm havin a good times. i'm gonnaq pook thouhgh. rofl.

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2009-07-04 04:11 pm UTC (link)
only it's not so awesome now :V

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