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☆ Siehe meine Krone? Ich bin König. ☆ ([info]hammerofjustice) wrote,
@ 2012-12-21 01:45:00

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Current mood: dorky

It's strange to find such light in such endless night

I'm really cool! You should add me!

Praise meComment to be Added

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2010-04-17 04:23 am UTC (link)
Oh wait, you can just join and I can make you the mod right? I'm such a techy wizard.

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2010-04-17 04:28 am UTC (link)
oooh, good idea! i will try it and see if it works that way. thank you oh so muchly! i've added you too, btw. i hope that's alright. if you play wow, we should play. haha, i know this may sound so weird coming from a complete stranger. if all else fails about ~azeroth, you can just change the e-mail to foewithinself@aol.com and then change the pword to something and i can trade you it for another username if you'd like just to be fair. i'll letcha know how this works.

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2010-04-17 04:30 am UTC (link)
It should work like that and you don't have to trade a username for it. I don't use it, so it's unfair to deny it to somebody that would actually use it. I dont mind that you added me. :DD

Just let me know what your username on IJ is for the comm so I make the right one maintainer. Then you can change all that cool info stuff.

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2010-04-17 04:46 am UTC (link)
^_^ yay, the username is ~cerezita. thank you so much!

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2010-04-17 04:49 am UTC (link)
There you go, all done. You're the maintainer and I removed myself as maintainer. ♥

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2010-04-17 04:55 am UTC (link)
aww, yay! thank you, thank you, thank you. you're amazing and i truly do appreciate it. sorry if i was a bother u_u

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2010-04-17 04:58 am UTC (link)
You are very welcome, you were no bother at all.

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