[private bank statement;]
Balance as of 01/08/2009: ¥371,774
Withdrawal (18/08/09): ¥30,000
Withdrawal (19/08/09): ¥20,000
Withdrawal (21/08/09): ¥30,000
Withdrawal (22/08/09): ¥30,000
Withdrawal (23/08/09): ¥35,000
Withdrawal (24/08/09): ¥21,000
Withdrawal (25/08/09): ¥30,000
Withdrawal (27/08/09): ¥35,000
Withdrawal (28/08/09): ¥50,000
Withdrawal (29/08/09): ¥10,000
Withdrawal (30/08/09): ¥15,000
Withdrawal (31/08/09): ¥60,000
Balance as of 01/09/2009: ¥5,774
Deposit (07/09/2009): ¥50,000
Current Balance: ¥55,774
[/private bank statement;]
thanks a lot.
((ooc; Ino spent all of Shikamaru's money so Shikamaru hustled Suigetsu in poker at a local bar HAHAHAHA WHOOPS C:))
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