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gypsy ([info]gypsy) wrote,
@ 2008-07-24 20:03:00

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sometimes I wish...
Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people who is amused by idiots instead of infuriated by them..

My fatherfucktard-in-law is absolutely intolerable. I actually lost it on him the other day and told him how fucking ridiculous I thought he was. My mother-in-law (and everyone else unfortunate enough to get the joke) thought it was hilarious. He's a pompass, arrogant, pessimistic jerk-off, and no one ever stands up to him. But I did. I cannot wait until we can get out of this hellhole.

I don't know what ever possessed me to believe that living with my in-laws was a good idea, even temporarily. Grief? Panic? The misguided belief that the miserable bastard would have one fucking ounce of compassion for another human being? Who the hell knows... all I know is, it is less than a month until we are 2,500 miles away, and it ain't far enough.

When that fucker dies, I'm coming to his funeral in a red dress so I can spit on his grave.

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