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Vera Tomasi ([info]gutterglitter) wrote,
@ 2009-04-15 16:29:00

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Yesterday a woman came into the salon and asked for a hair cut. I asked her just how short she wanted it, and she pulled out a magazine and hurriedly pointed to a picture of a really short bob. I went to work cutting her hair, and the entire time she's engrossed on her Bluetooth. The style looked great on her, and when I finally got her attention, she looks in the mirror and starts screaming. It turns out that the woman - who before this had shoulder length hair - wanted the cut that was in the picture next to the one she pointed out; a choppy layered version of what she already had. She pointed to the wrong picture, and then sat there as I cut her hair... before realizing I has the wrong image in mind. FML. In the end she gets a great cut for free & I get written up.

I wonder if I could have done anything about it after the fact...

In other news: I'm thinking of changing dying my hair pink again.

What the hell is going on? The other night Tish can home blitzed out of her mind... and I sobered her up. I'm not talking about that I sat there and gave her water and some crackers, I literally watched her go from fucked up to completely clean in a matter of seconds. I know that I've changed my hair color before - without using dye - and gotten rid of zits, and hell, haven't have to shave my legs in months, but I didn't know I was able to do anything to anybody else.

And then Tish can... It sounds so crazy, I don't even want to say it.

To reiterate- What the hell is going on?

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2009-04-16 08:35 am UTC (link)

And I hope you won't need to.

Glad to hear it.

I don't. I just hope I didn't waste so much of my time on a hopeless cause.

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2009-04-16 08:47 am UTC (link)
Have you always been this verbose, or does this taciturn nature of yours have something to do with genetics?

I'll keep my fingers crossed.

...hopeless cause? Aw, I'd never dream of letting down my beloved lawyer. I'd hate to have to call you up like Patrick Bateman did with his lawyer at the end of American Psycho. "Nate! I tried to feed a cat to an ATM, sucked some dick for crack, chopped Jared Leto into little pieces and strangled my sister 'cause she left a dirty dish in the sink! Help!" I'm a bit classier than that.

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2009-04-16 08:51 am UTC (link)
I say enough to get my point across. There's no need to waste anyone's time with an overabundance words.

Do whatever you think will work.

So glad to hear it.

When is your next NRA meeting?

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2009-04-16 08:57 am UTC (link)
Ah, of course.

Jeez, you're infuriating. Ho hum. At least you've got a cute ass.

Monday afternoon. 3 pm. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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2009-04-16 09:11 am UTC (link)

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