Yesterday a woman came into the salon and asked for a hair cut. I asked her just how short she wanted it, and she pulled out a magazine and hurriedly pointed to a picture of a really short bob. I went to work cutting her hair, and the entire time she's engrossed on her Bluetooth. The style looked great on her, and when I finally got her attention, she looks in the mirror and starts screaming. It turns out that the woman - who before this had shoulder length hair - wanted the cut that was in the picture next to the one she pointed out; a choppy layered version of what she already had. She pointed to the wrong picture, and then sat there as I cut her hair... before realizing I has the wrong image in mind. FML. In the end she gets a great cut for free & I get written up.
I wonder if I could have done anything about it after the fact...In other news: I'm thinking of
changing dying my hair pink again.
What the hell is going on? The other night Tish can home blitzed out of her mind... and I sobered her up. I'm not talking about that I sat there and gave her water and some crackers, I literally watched her go from fucked up to completely clean in a matter of seconds. I know that I've changed my hair color before - without using dye - and gotten rid of zits, and hell, haven't have to shave my legs in months, but I didn't know I was able to do anything to anybody else.
And then Tish can... It sounds so crazy, I don't even want to say it.
To reiterate-
What the hell is going on?
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