Well, if it's a stalker thing, I'd suggest going to the hit wizards, and they can take care of it.
Otherwise, you need to find yourself a Wardsmith, and get some wards put on your house - it's not uncommon these days, generally it's been people with estates and those who desperately wish privacy, but with all the dark things that have been happening, warding has become the new thing. The Wardsmith will explain how to use the wards, but essentially you can limit anyone you want. You could restrict access completely to any apparation, or have them be funneled into a 'waiting area'. That's what Bree and I have for everyone but us. Her sisters apparate in and are re-directed to appear in the foyer. We have it so that only certain people are allowed access as well, like her sisters and parents. Aurors, including her brother, are allowed access at any point, simply for sake of safety.
Is that helpful enough? I would stay away from the more unsavory outfits, and go with one of the ministry approved Wardsmiths, if I were you.
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