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greengrassenvy ([info]greengrassenvy) wrote,
@ 2011-01-12 13:57:00

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Daphne Nyx Mirella Greengrass .

FULL NAME: Daphne Nyx Mirella Greengrass
Daphne: \d(a)-ph-ne\ is pronounced DAFF-nee. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Daphne is "laurel tree". Mythology: virtuous Daphne was a nymph who was transformed into a laurel tree to protect her from Apollo. The name was used under the Roman Empire, but disappeared until the 18th century. It came to America as a slave name. Dafne is a Swedish form. Author Daphne Du Maurier.
Mirella: \m(i)-rella, mir(el)-la\ is a variant of Mira (Latin, Slavic, Hindi), Miranda (Latin), Mireio (French) and Mireya (Spanish, Latin), and the meaning of Mirella is "wonderful; peace; propserous; worthy of admiration; admire; admired".
Nyx: \n-yx\ is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nyx is "night".

Theme Songs: "What a Catch, Donnie" - Fall Out Boy, "Scream" - Avenged Sevenfold, "good girls go bad" Cobra Starship, "Familiar Taste of Poison" Halestorm

BIRTH PLACE: Paris, France
NATIONALITY: French | Welsh
AGE AND BIRTHDAY: March 17th, 1980, 17 years of age
EDUCATION: Hogwart's, Slytherin
BLOODLINE: Pure as Sin
ALLEGIANCE: Death Eaters
SPECIAL SKILLS: Languages are her strong suit, as well as being extra-specially bendy flexi.

LOOK: Daphne's tall - a slender creature with flesh a healthy color and as smooth as polished marble. High sculpted cheekbones are framed by lazily curling hair that is as angelically blonde and hangs to the gentle curve of lower ribs. She carries herself with an air of nobility and a charismatic demeanor - she is everything someone would want - until they got to know the person behind the facade of flesh. Darker eyes flicker with something beyond your understanding - reflecting no emotion of hers and all of yours. She looks older than her years, and sometimes even looks exhausted but she'll shrug it off and push on. She prides herself on her looks, and can be rather vain. Daphne's lithe frame is never out of shape, as a contortionist and a dancer, she literally keeps bendy flexi all the time. Never liking the moment she can't move and stretch her lean frame. She's obsessive about it. She does have "No Mercy" and "No Pity" tattooed on her wrists in French. She does hide them under wraps though, as she had to sneak to get them.

LIKES: Languages, her friends, snakes, Slytherins, Some Ravenclaws, Spicy Foods, French Food, Potions, horses, riding, dancing, summers in Wales
DISLIKES: Idiots, Illiterates, summer, asshole ex's, bland food, annoying Aurors
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 135lbs
HAIR: White-blonde
FINANCIAL STATUS: Wealthy, old money
PETS: An Owl by the name of Ophelia for at school, a horse, and two cats at home.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
HOUSE: Slytherin
YEAR: 7th

Daphne was born to Mischa Le Blanc and Tevin Greengrass, - the delicate baby girl a month premature in her arrival. But that suited Daphne just fine. From day one she was a handful - a bundle of energy that never seemed to dwindle. She split her time between France and Wales, with her parents, and a short time later her younger sister, Astoria. She adores the attention they lavished on her. Her grandfather used to show her off in the towns when they traveled - and she always got gifts from the other families just by smiling sweetly at them. She was the light of their lives. Her sister was born after her by two years, and has kept her on her toes since then.

She turned 11 and received her owl to attend Hogwart's. She was elated and arrived at Kings Cross with all the best things. Her Mother was hoping to home-school her, and her Father was hoping she'd go elsewhere, but she was accepted to Hogwart's and to Hogwart's she would go. When she was sorted into Slytherin. She's made it a point to be studious - never openly so of course - and tried to keep at the top of the Slytherin's girls. She has competition and finds herself tired of it all. Daphne knows that people like Pansy are "top" dog when it comes to the public face of groups, but in the end Daphne's there, whispering words of wisdom to the other girls, quietly steering them towards the end goals.

When she got her letter to Hogwarts she couldn't have been happier. She was already immersed in a hundred different studies - this just gave her another thing to dive head first into. Come time to go, she smiled at her parents and left. She wasn't afraid to be part of something on her own. Independent and proud, that's Daph. She was enrolled into Ballet when she was six and has continued with it since she's gone to school - finding herself to be much more flexible than the average human. Her cousins would chatter to her in a handful of different languages - making her life more interesting, so when school rolled around she already spoke English, French, Welsh and Gaelic.

For all her love of language and dance, she's can be sneaky and sly as any Slytherin - born on Saint Patrick's day, she's inherited the enjoyment of chaos and trouble making - even if she doesn't do it outright. There is power in subtleness. Her Hogwart's years have gone by relatively uneventful, otherwise. She's done well in her classes, hung out with the purest purebloods and done everything she's been asked to do. She enjoys her friendships with some of the darker folks in the House and breaks from tradition by speaking to others outside the house. However this last Christmas break turned for the worst as her mother was killed before her own eyes - an act to this day she does not speak of. She suffered some minor injuries but nothing permanent.

Mischa and Daphne had gone out to pick up herbs from a muggle apothecary - they had something she really needed - and as they were coming out of the shop, they were jumped by a couple men who really just wanted their money. Unfortunately Daphne hadn't really been around muggles much and slipped up when trying to give them the money - handing them the gold galleons by mistake. Thinking they were super rich, the men tried to get her to hand over more, and take them home to get the rest. When Mischa refused and put up a fight they stabbed her repeatedly, while Daphne struggled against the one who caught her up, suffering minor injuries in the struggle. Tevin apparated in down the street - as they were going to meet for lunch - and heard Daphne's screams. He rushed to help, hexing the muggles without a second thought, but he was too late to save Mischa. It was a dark day for the Greengrass family, and Daphne spent two weeks in Mungo's, stuck in shock.

She had forever been a loyal supporter of purebloods, but this act of violence against her mother pushed her into falling into the hands of the Dark Lord and his wicked ways. She finds that Muggles disgust her, and she has no problem supporting those Death Eaters. They have the right idea.

Mental Health: Obsessive-Compulsive, Nightmares
Dislikes: Mudbloods, the weak, muggles, blood traitors, losing money.
Likes Olives, Frane,, Wales, the Dark Arts, Potions, Potions, rain, the scent of water, olive groves, the ocean, Languages.

WAND 13inch Basilisk Skin (It was her father's, great-grandfather's wand)
CORE: Basilisk skin

Basilisk wands are incredibly rare, as the beasts are rare to begin with and hard to kill. Due to the rarity, they often are passed down from generation to generation, so basilisk-core wands are either the heirloom of Slytherin-type Pureblood families or reforged wands from family cores. The occasional new basilisk wand will almost always bond to a Parselmouth or budding Dark Wizard. Very little good comes out of wielders of basilisk wands.

WOOD: Cherry and Hornwood : Cherry teaches us the lessons of clearing the pain of the heart and relating to others in a compassionate manner. Cherry is the tree of the heart.. Hornbeam, or ironwood, is considered to be the most stubborn of wand woods. Those who have the necessary will to master it will be rewarded with an extremely powerful wand.

LENGTH: 13 inches.
LANGUAGES KNOWN: English, French, Welsh & Gaelic
CLASSES: Ancient Runes, DADA, Double Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Herbology
CRUSHES: Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Vaisey

She is loyal to her friends, and her morals, but even finds herself questioning how firmly the laws of man are. She has discovered them to be, in her own mind anyways, mere guidelines to many. Daph is also a girl who loves action - if she can manage to get in the middle of it, and not lose face, she will. If she is over stressed, she is prone to rash outbursts of anger, or on the other end of things, be burdened by emotions and feelings she's not used to showing.

Despite her rough edges, she does have some warmth to her. Should someone desire her help, she most likely, will give it. The only people she won't help are complete idiots, and those whom insult her. She has an unquenchable thirst to learn and gain knowledge. If something like self improvement is a side effect, then it is seen as a bonus.

If and when she finds a true counter part, they must have intelligence, the same tenacity she has as well as self confidence. If you have landed a place as a good friend, it is hard to get on her bad side. She's warm and friendly to those she considers friends, doing everything she can to make their day better. On the other end of things, she can't stand those people who lack common sense, hide in their ignorance, blame others for their own shortcomings and other such traits. She has her mom's gentle endearing traits - she's helpful and kind and her Father's traits - stern, competitive and a perfectionist.

Her patience, of which she normally has a rather considerable amount of, becomes rather alarmingly short when she's forced to deal with brainless followers and general idiots. Contempt would be the most apt description of her attitude toward these people. Cold to most, loving to those who earn her trust and devotion. She is sneaky, and quiet, and cunning. A girl with a sense of humor. She's sweet to those she's close to and caring about her friends. But to the world she's outspoken and rough edged. She has a keen intellect, a fine attention to detail, a vivid imagination, politeness, some disciplined work habits, a sense of realism, and practicality. She has a healthy dose of skepticism, with wonderful organizational skills and a touch curiosity, and modesty. She's also anal-retentive about details and her things. She has anxiety during test time and has a touch of hesitation when dealing with boys and exams. She's slightly insecure, and has obsessiveness to both detail and personal appearance. in short she's rather vain.

Lately she’s taken a turn for the worse – with her mother’s death and her father’s subsequent depression she’s become a bit more… snarky, vicious tongued, and no longer is a push over. She embodies many of the Scorpio traits, including, curiosity, intensity of focus, persistence, willpower, as well as vindictiveness, ruthlessness, and bouts of jealousy aimed that those who have not suffered. She knows there are those who have suffered more than she, but she still feels the sting of the incident fresh in her mind.

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2011-01-12 11:12 pm UTC (link)
Your Bolded Gryffies: "I'll not treat you like epic scum. You ARE gryffindors, but tolerable."

Hufflepuffs: "Seriously, a halfblood? Mmm you're not as low as you could and I'm sure you could serve a purpose. I'm Daphne dear girl."

Ravenclaws: "Hi hi hi hi! Ravenclaws = Win. Smarts, intelligence and in the case of Turner, looks."

Slytherins: "Dahlings! All of you. Especially you Trick,and Edward, Mm. Garret! My dear friend!"

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2011-01-13 12:43 am UTC (link)

So I can assume she and Dari would be friendly? James would act more or less friendly toward her, too, though I think he's a halfblood. :P

Trick and Ed are halfbloods, too, jsyk. They'd both flirt with her, though Ashleigh will probably want to hex her for that at some point. Garrett is into innocent girls. Well, until he deflowers them.

She and Lil will be sharing a dorm. How do you think they'll get on? Lil's a halfblood and a bit of a tomboy.

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2011-01-13 12:46 am UTC (link)
Yes and yes.

Daphne says their hotness overrides their Halfbloodishness for now. Daphne says she's not innocent so Garrett and her should just be besties.

She'll dislike Lil for the halfblood AND the tomboy. But won't murder her in her sleep or anything. She likes to ride horses but thats about it for Her.

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