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The Boy Who Lived ([info]greeneyedboy) wrote,
@ 2008-01-23 17:41:00

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[Hexed Private to the Gryffindor Quidditch Team]
First I want to say that I think we look deadly fit out there, I couldn't be prouder of how the team is coming together. For years we have been the spot on top team at Hogwarts and this year will be no different. Saying that though, I have now jinxed us for another year of disaster and injury. Therefore we must have constant vigilance in our practises - the first bloke to slag off will find himself (or herself) on the losing end of an hour of extra drills. CONSTANT VIGILANCE.

Therefore I believe that we should extend our practises by one half hour twice a week to allow for specialty drills. It will keep us sharp exactly what we need as the season picks up. I hope to see you alert and energised and vigilant for our next practise.

[/End Hex]

For some reason Gryffindor Quidditch practises have attracted more spectators than a Spice Girls concert. Could those of you not on the team kindly remove yourselves from the pitch? It's distracting and annoying, and you can watch us at the matches, so kindly bugger off.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 02:41 am UTC (link)
It should be an extra hour.

CONSTANT VIGILANCE. I'm not shiting off here, mate. It's a mantra.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 02:55 am UTC (link)
Oi, now you're sounding like Moody! Yeah, yeah, more practise. Fine, fine. As long as I can skive off homework after. Don't tell Hermione.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 02:59 am UTC (link)
You know I never realised how wise Moody was until now. The man is tops Ron. It is time to embrace that message.

Just tell her that I ordered you to do mental exercises: you have to mentally picture being an exceptional Keeper. It might take hours to go through all of the matches, don't you figure?

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:13 am UTC (link)
Oh, yeah, 'course. Maybe even a few days to complete those mental exercises. They're quite difficult to do unless complete concentration is achieved, which means no homework for distraction.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:31 am UTC (link)
Absolutely! I mean the mental gymnastics required for plotting out how to defend the Badger chasers might take a week. Possibly two. You really might need some sweets from Honeydukes to help it along.

If Hermione truly wants the Lions to win the cup she'd secure loads of chocolate frogs for you.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:34 am UTC (link)
Well, of course, that's just pure fact there, that is. Hermione will just have to deal with it and you'll just have to inform her that chocolagte frogs are the key to the success of the exercises!

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:44 am UTC (link)
And possibly someone else completing your homework for you so you can concentrate on Slytherin too, naturally.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:46 am UTC (link)
Naturally. It'll be Hermione's contribution to the quidditch effort. She doesn't play, of course, so she can help the team by helping me with the completion of my menta exercises.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:54 am UTC (link)
I always knew Hermione was our unofficial eighth man. We should really get her a scarf in thanks for her pitching in to the effort so grandly.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:56 am UTC (link)
Yes, a scarf and a banner that says "Weasley is Our King! Go Go Gryffindor!" to hold up at matches, yeah? Brilliant plan. She'll love it.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 03:59 am UTC (link)
How could she say no? I mean honestly, that sounds exactly like Hermione to a bloody T. I say you suggest it.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 04:01 am UTC (link)
Nah, it was your plan originally. Go on, you suggest it. You should take the credit.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 04:04 am UTC (link)
Nah mate, I get enough credit around Hogwarts. This time, let's have it be on you.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 04:10 am UTC (link)
Oh yeah, the one time I don't want the credit, you're giving it to me?

Let's give it to Ginny. Ha.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 04:15 am UTC (link)
Right! Yes! To Ginny. Hats off and all of that. Motion carried.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 01:41 pm UTC (link)
That's one, brother dear. One.

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Same Hex
2008-01-24 10:48 pm UTC (link)
One what? Chocolate frog? Thanks, Gin!

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