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Bound!AU - Valentine [15 Feb 2013|01:42pm]
"Rood, nepo." Zach commands the door to unlock and swing inwards for him, as he ferries a tray laden with his newlywed wife's favorites, plus a crystal vase with roses, into their bedroom. He approaches the bed and gives a soft whistle to beckon her back into consciousness. "Good morning, Mrs Zatara. Breakfast is ready."
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October 1 2012 Meme (Mike Blood) [02 Oct 2012|12:27am]
Zach tugged his tie loose as he stepped into the elevator after another successful performance. He casually hit the button for the penthouse, then let himself lean back against the support rail.
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Well This Is Another Fine Mess... (Bound!Sally AU) [23 May 2012|11:51pm]
The first thing Zach was aware of, and keenly at that, was that his head was absolutely throbbing. Second, was that his hands were bound behind his back. He mumbled, mostly to himself. "Honey, did you push me into the headboard again...?"
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Meme Response - Victoria - Fluff - Get back together [27 Jan 2012|11:37pm]
Flowers? Check.

Truffles? Check.

Boyish good looks? No need to check.

Zach inhales deeply, stands up straight, then finally rings the bell for Victoria's home.
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Meme Response - Mina - Fluff - Family [22 Jan 2012|01:41pm]
Zach arrived at Mina's apartment, on the front step, per her request. Personally, he thought she was a bit uptight about whether or not he could just teleport right inside. It certainly saved time.

He hit the buzzer and spoke into the intercom. "It's me. What's going on? You sounded stressed on the phone."
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Meme Response - Sally - Sex - Last Time [22 Jan 2012|03:32am]
Zach kept his expression even, feeling more naked than just having his shirt off already would normally entail. Tentatively, he raised his hand to Sally's cheek. "I can't let you go... take me with you..."
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Homecoming [08 Apr 2010|09:32pm]
There's a flash of light, a faint puff of air being displaced, and a quickly fading flash of brimstone. Zachary Zatara is home.

"Initelppa, no eht skcor." The bar at the other end of the living room rattles as a drink mixes itself and then flies to his hand. He tosses his top hat and jacket across the room onto hooks before the drink gets to him. After a long sip, he surveys the rest of the room.

"Honestly, I go away for a few months and you turn the place into a pig-sty." He shakes his head at the dirty laundry and takeout boxes here and there.
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