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101 Questions [16 Dec 2009|01:35am]

1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Allanah Susan Dibny.  The world Famous Elongated Maiden!  I go by "purple girl" sometimes.  It's a family thing.  Mordora likes to call me their "first daughter" and they gave me citizenship.

2. How old are you? When is your birthday?

Old enough to know better; young enough to do it anyway?  January 6th.

3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic?

There's a funny story about that:

Bottom line?  I was born on the Watchtower, making me an international citizen, which is awesome.  I'm patriotic to my home that way.  If Earth wasn't such a hub of crazy, we wouldn't need more than a half dozen Green Lanterns here, now would we?

4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

Ralph and sue Didny.  International couple of mystery.  If you need to know more, as the Mordovians.  Dad's like their biggest hero ever.

5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

Nope.  Wish I did, but I guess mom had some trouble having me so it doesn't surprise me.  Always did wish for a sibling.  The closest I have is Henry and he's a pain in the butt.

6. What is your occupation?

International spokeskid for world peace.  Nope.  Not kidding.

7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?

That really depends on how my powers are going that day.

8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?

Black.  Sometimes I dye it with red streaks.  Blue eyes.  I mostly look like Mom.

9. What is your race?


10. To which social class do you belong?

While most of the kids in this line of work are middle class, I'm rich.  I try not to show off.

11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?

Eh.  I'm not the beauty queen around here, but I'm not bad.  I guess ask them.

12. What is your style of dress?

Loose.  It helps if there's a situation that requires powers.  Ralph Lauren and Juicy Coutuer have some cute clothes, but I'm a little addicted to American Apparel right now.

13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?

Nope.  Can't get scars.  It's part of the powers.  Unique physical features?  Are you kidding?  I can literally make myself into a suspension bridge or a giant rubber ball.  More mundanely, I get freckles.

14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

I'm allergic to alcohol.  It has something to do with my altered body and the gingold.  This means I am totally the designated driver for life.

15. Are you right- or left-handed?

Both.  It's a power thing.  Dad used to be a lefty and then he became stretchy and his brain was able to handle his hands doing two things at once equally.  Something about the ducticle stuff makes your mind more flexible, too.

16. What does your voice sound like?

Like my mom's.  It's annoying.  Iris sometimes babbles at her on the phone.

17. What kind of vocabulary do you use?

According to my tutors "well above my age."  I'm multi-lingual too.

18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics.

Purple, stetchy-ness, talking in ways a lot of people don't get

19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes?

Once a day and yes.  One time when I was kidnapped Dad sniffed me out because I was wearing vanilla.  Henry teases me about smelling like a candy factory, but I like it.

20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)?

I'm told I could play the Cheshire Cat.

21. Do you use body language? How?

Not as much as most people.  You'd be amazed what is insulting in other parts of the world.

22. Do you have a commonly used saying?

"Okay people!"


23. What is your earliest memory?

Uncle J'onn taught me how to change my legs into a big rubber ball and we bounced around the Watchtower.  At least that's the first one I want to remember.

24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?

The thing about being a superhero kid?  Everyone's your tutor in anything they're good at.  I love it.  These people might be dead tomorrow, so they rarely go without saying they love you because they know it might be the last time.  It's not a safe life, but it feels more honest than most kids get.

25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?

Mom and Dad.  Totally.

26. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Awesome and unconventional.  I'm not sure I could have been normal though, y'know?

27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

::laughs::  I thought I'd want to be a Martian.  I kinda am.

28. When and with whom was your first kiss?

In advance:  SHUT UP HENRY!  Nope.  Hasn't happened yet.  There's this guy I want to have it happen with, but...yeah, let's not go there.  Henry has enough smugness for 10 solar systems.

29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

I don't really want to talk about it.  I survived.  I recovered.  Next.

30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you?

Right.  Uh huh.  Next question, people.


31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

Reaching this age.  It's not a given for hero kids.  Being in my own JLA is pretty awesome.

32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

It's yet to come.  Frankly, any day you wake up is probably a good day.

33. What is your greatest regret?

Being kidnapped.  It sucked.  I'm not being a victim again.

34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you?

Um, prevous question.  You can stop asking any time now.

35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?

Yes.  But you know?  Ben Franklin was right.  Three can keep a secret if two are dead.

36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

Nope.  Not going there either, even if it wasn't my fault.

37. When was the time you were the most frightened?

Geez, are you trying to be my therapist or are you just nosy?  See the kidnapping answer and move along.

38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?

Oh, I've been outside the solar system.


39. What is your alignment?

I try to be good.

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Glass isn't full or empty.  It's holding however many milliliters Uncle Ray says it is.

41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?

Pfft.  I've talked to Deadman.  I don't think he's crazy about Rama.  Otherwise, take a look around at the magic in the world.  Gods are just one form of belief-driven reality shifting - and they should be respected.

42. Do you believe in an afterlife?

I've heard stories about a few, yeah.  Uncle Ray says they're just other states of being, but Uncle Ray occasionally has to eat crow arround here.

43. What is your greatest fear?

I don't ever want to be the bait ever again.

44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why?

Supervillains, sure.  The people that really bug me though are the "no capes" losers who think the world would all be good an mellow if the JLA would just stop harshing the mellow or whatever.  Bad things happen to good people.  It doesn't take much.  We try to stop that as much as we can without running people's lives.

Happy?  Being able to do something is a terrific feeling.

45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?

I don't know.  I just take one situation and person at a time and figure it out then.

46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex?

You have to pay attention to both religon and politics.  Being apolitical or agnostic is a luxuy, not just on Earth, but everywhere.  Sex doesn't go with the other two, so I'm not sure why it's here.  My views on it are that, like any force, it's used for good and bad.

47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing?

Gambling happens as does all vice.  It's the second you harm other lives with your problem that we leave ethics class.  Killing is never justified.  Ever.  There's always another way.

48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs?

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to live toa ripe old age surrounded by grandbabbies if that's where you're going with this.

49. How much do you value money?

It's a damn useful tool.  If you say you don't care about it, you're probably lying, crazy, or have more than you should.

50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

Anything involving using a child to get what you want.  I've seen kid soldiers, and yes, there's a difference between what I am and what they are.

51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?

Um, yeah.  I'm here, right?

52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

My parents seem to have that.  If I were to venture a guess, I'd say heroes need that more than most people.  Love saves you around here.  I hope it happens for me.

53. Are you superstitious?

You know, some superstitions have reasons behind them.  Lighting three cigarettes on one match made you a target for sniper fire - and working with John Constantine will probably mean trouble knock on your door the next morning.

54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?

If we all did that more, there's be a lot less need for what we do.

55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

I try to be.  I don't always know what they are which makes honesty kind of a problem.

56. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

No.  I don't think so at least.

Dealing With Others

57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

Probably Dad.  I learned almost everything from him.

58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why?

Uncle J'onn.  Everyone answers Superman, and, yeah - he's impressive.  J'onn though does what Superman does and he's invisible about it.  He's like everyday good where Superman is that big, inspiring good.  I think the everyday good counts more, but I'm not sure why.

59. Do you have a significant other? Who?

No, but again, I have someone picked out.  Now to find some guts.

60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend?

As big of a jerk as he is, Henry.  And Iris.  Actually, the whole JLA is just awesome.  I'm proud of us.

61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex?

Capes are fine.  Rich kids?  Not very well.  A lot of them are too sheltered from concequences or people that are struggling.  I get along with both guys and girls equally.

62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex?

Better than my own group.  I think I listen more.

63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

...I'll get back to you on that.

64. What do you look for in a potential lover?

See above.  That's a little advanced for me though.  I don't think I'm ready.

65. How close are you to your family?

Very.  Which is great.  A lot of kids aren't.

66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children?

Don't know.  I think it can work if you're the right kind of person.  I don't know if I am that person yet.

67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

Arguing is overrated, but so is neutrality.  Discussion and diplomacy seem to get the most done.

68. Are you a listener or a talker?

Eh.  Depends.  Compared to Iris and Henry, I'm quiet.  Compared with Jon, I'm a blabbermouth.

69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others?

Basic trust is there until you screw up.  Real trust is something else.  I'm not sure sometimes who to trust with what.

70. Do you hold grudges?

Nah.  Waste of time.

71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

Yup.  Worse.  I like it.

72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people?

It's like breathing at this point.

73. How well do you express yourself?

I'm not a singer or dancer or anything.  If I need something I ask.  Deep thoughts are another matter.

74. How quickly do you judge others?

It's not so much judge as it is being able to sum up someone pretty well very quickly.  This is what happens when the Elongated Man is your dad and Martian Manhunter is one of your godfathers.

75. Do you care what others think of you?

I have to.  My parents helped most of the rest of the world learn to like the JLA.  I can't screw that up.

76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy?.

There's some people who don't like my family and think I'm a target.  I think those people count.

Personal Taste and Opinions

77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession?

Shopping.  Purple.  Cracker Jack, my black Doc Martins with the purple laces.

78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment?

Detective novels, bedtime stories, ballet.  Opera is something I do that my friends don't - mostly because I can translate it.

79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not?

Nope.  Allergic.  Nope.  Nope.  As if my dad wasn't the Ductile Dectective and my favorite uncle wasn't a telepath, it would be a waste of my time.  Besides, I don't want to be a London tabloid cover girl.  The JLA have enough problems.

80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

Hanging out with the other kids around here.  Listening to radio plays.  Fixing computers.  Catching up on homework.

81. What is your most cherished fantasy?

Finding those guys that kidnapped me and making sure they're exposed for the creeps they are.

82. How long is your attention span?

I don't like to give away that information.

83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny?

I'm always laughing on the inside.  Anything more would mess with my gothling rep.

84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what?

Shocks?  No.  Offends?  Plenty.  You don't want the laundry list.  I can be a real elitist.

85. How do you deal with stress?

Retail therapy.  Go hang with Iris.  Fix something.  Go see what Uncle Ray is doing.  If I'm really in a bad way, I go talk to Uncle J'onn.

86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic?

Athletic, I'm awesome.  Artisitc?  That's not where my strengths lie.

87. Do you like animals? Do you like children?


88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

Plan.  I don't need one some much as I already have one.

89. What are your pet peeves?

Oh, you so do not want that list.  It's long.


90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness?

I think; therefore I am.  I'm not as strong or powerful as a lot of other heroes.  This means I have to think about what I'm doing constantly.

91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Not sure about that one.  I mean, what's the catch if I do that?

92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

According to the personality tests, I split the difference between the two.

93. Do you like yourself?


94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted?

Uh, hello?  Superhero kid and ambassador family?  What is this routine you are speaking of?

95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime?

Lifetime?  Find the bastards and others like them.  Six months?  Score well on the SATs.

96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

That's really not how my planning works, because that's not how heroes lives work.

97. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I'll settle for "not stupidly."  Not like a victim.

98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death?

That I did some good.

99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality?

I'm a Dibny.

100. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

I'm sure "mastermind" is one the list.  Other then that, I don't know.

101. Why are you risking your life to adventure?

Bad things happen.  I can stop it and I know more about how then 99% of people.  Kinda scary, but it's the truth.

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