Have I ever told you that you're adorable when you're being defensive?
I tas throwing something away and didn't know someone was living in the trash can ( I was obviously a moron for not thinking someone lived in the trash ) when I was like...6. And he got all mad and asked how I would like it if he threw something on my bed that was dirty and used and I just kind of stared and then I was like "Well, I'm sorry mister hobo...but you're living in a trash can. And that's where dirty used things go." And he got all offended and was like "ARE YOU CALLING ME DIRTY AND USED, [BLAH BLAH BLAH, INSERT CRAZY HOBO BANTER HERE]" and then he threw what I was trying to throw away at me and told me to throw it somewhere else.
From that day on I've checked every. single. trash can before I throw anything out.
Like, seriously. You'll start to notice it now that I've told you.
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