That definitely won't happen, since being stuck in carbonite is a big hindrance when it comes to romping.
You are the best. The
best of the best.
Better than the best.
It's just for one night, and it's just a costume's
Star Wars babe! And you
know what Star Wars means. It's like...the epitome of
greatness, and I was going to mention the costume idea to you but she kinda pulled it out of me before I got the chance, and then large letters occurred, and...yeah.
I highly doubt you'd want to be a wookie, a guy who sounds like he has asthma, or a guy with one I'll try my best to think of something so you're included in all of this.
[OOC: Well, there's also this but...we won't say anything about that to Giada. Haaaaa. xD]
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