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Banners [18 Feb 2008|10:35pm]
Promote the community with these )
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[16 Feb 2008|11:18pm]
Icon Request )
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Extracurriculars [16 Feb 2008|10:19pm]
You must duel once a month. Grades will change the first of every month. This means if you were accepted as a A and you lose 4 duels then you'll drop down to the next lowest grade. If you win 4 duels then you'll rise to the next highest grade.

Class A can duel anyone from the Alist, Blist, or the Clist.
Class B can duel anyone from the Blist or the Clist.
Class C are just limited to duel anyone from the Clist.

Duel Request Form

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Improvements [16 Feb 2008|10:17pm]
Journal Move

Picture Change form

Going on hiatus?

Suggestion box
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Cheats and Steals [16 Feb 2008|10:16pm]
Point Bank
-50 points- Your vote will be counted twice in an application
-75 points- .1 added your over all score
-400 points- Being able to deny any duel made against you
-500 points- Being able to skip out on the monthly duel
-600 points- Automatically accepting/rejecting someone from the community
-1000 points- Deduct .5 from any member of your choice
-2000 points- Play Mod for the week
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Point Values [16 Feb 2008|10:15pm]
How to Gain Points
+1 for each promo
+2 for each picture
+10 for inviting someone [+5 more if they're accepted]
+15 for making some sort of graphic for the community
+20 for writing a testimonial
+40 for participation
+45 for dueling

How to Lose Points
-2 for not using your icon
-4 for not making posts friends only
-10 for disrespecting a member
-15 for disrespecting a mod
-15 for not participating in the monthly duel
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Class Superlatives [16 Feb 2008|10:14pm]
most popular
most likely to succeed
most athletic
most creative/artistic
most friendly
most talented
most spirited
best dressed
best looking
best personality
best flirt
class clown
prettiest eyes
prettiest hair
nicest smile
cutest couple
cutest baby/kid
nicest smile
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Member's Post [16 Feb 2008|08:49pm]
Yearbook Pictures )
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