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Haruno Sakura ([info]goodwithscalpel) wrote,
@ 2009-11-18 16:32:00

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Entry tags:haha what're my friends doing, scalpel's going up your ass, you idiots

Am I contagious?

Disappearing acts have become somewhat common - too common for my liking.

I won't ask. If you want to tell me, tell me.

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....that's what she said :(
2009-11-18 06:12 pm UTC (link)

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2009-11-18 06:13 pm UTC (link)
Every day.

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2009-11-18 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Hmmmm. Should I leave?

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2009-11-18 06:17 pm UTC (link)
Since when would you listen to what I say?

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2009-11-18 06:20 pm UTC (link)
You have my word I'll listen now.

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2009-11-19 02:50 am UTC (link)
You're not that annoying when you listen.

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2009-11-19 02:51 am UTC (link)

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2009-11-19 02:51 am UTC (link)
Come see me shoot.

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2009-11-19 02:52 am UTC (link)

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2009-11-19 02:53 am UTC (link)

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2009-11-19 02:53 am UTC (link)
Come again?

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2009-11-19 04:28 am UTC (link)
You can read, Haruno.

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2009-11-19 10:23 am UTC (link)
...why the sudden invitation?

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2009-11-19 02:29 pm UTC (link)
Does it matter?

Haruno, you come, or you don't.

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2009-11-19 03:48 pm UTC (link)

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2009-11-19 04:09 pm UTC (link)
3-6-17 Nishi-Shinjuku.


Bring coffee.

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2009-11-19 04:28 pm UTC (link)
Any preference?

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2009-11-19 04:33 pm UTC (link)
Doesn't matter. Whatever you'll have.

Yamanaka gets me black, I think.

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2009-11-19 04:34 pm UTC (link)
Meh, not a coffee fan. But alright, you're in my hands with that.

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2009-11-19 04:37 pm UTC (link)
Bring changing clothes.

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2009-11-19 04:38 pm UTC (link)
What are you shooting?

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2009-11-19 05:03 pm UTC (link)
If that's your way of requesting a picture, just ask, Haruno.

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2009-11-19 05:04 pm UTC (link)
I'm not, Uchiha. I just want to know why you need me to bring a change of clothes.

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2009-11-19 05:05 pm UTC (link)
You will snoop around and stain.

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2009-11-19 05:27 pm UTC (link)

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