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Haruno Sakura ([info]goodwithscalpel) wrote,
@ 2009-10-13 14:49:00

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Entry tags:bitch i'll cut you, brb never getting laid, gtfo sasuke, i need saner friends, naruto is a retard, neji is a retard, scalpel's going up your ass

I don't know about the rest of you, but personally, I prefer to wear warm clothes in autumn. It's not that I lack spirit, I make up for it just about enough by hanging in my pajamas at home. And anyway, I doubt there's a superhero that's a doctor so...no costumes.

Tenten, thanks for the tea yesterday. I'll stick to aspirins too, now that I think about it. And pudding. Ino?

...on the other hand...

Fights. Birthday parties. Unwanted gifts in the mail. Phonecalls at 4am.

But we're not going to talk about that.

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2009-10-13 07:56 pm UTC (link)
Oh god, just. Get out now.

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2009-10-13 07:58 pm UTC (link)
Whatever, you liked it.

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2009-10-13 07:58 pm UTC (link)
Whatever the hell gave you that idea?

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2009-10-13 08:00 pm UTC (link)
You didn't hang up.


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2009-10-13 08:00 pm UTC (link)
You'd have called back.

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2009-10-13 08:01 pm UTC (link)

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2009-10-13 08:02 pm UTC (link)
I still hate you for that, just an eff why i.

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2009-10-13 08:03 pm UTC (link)
brb hanging myself

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2009-10-13 08:04 pm UTC (link)
Shan't be missed.

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2009-10-13 08:06 pm UTC (link)
Doesn't matter. I'll be one of those vengeful spirits that follows you around and breathes down your neck.

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2009-10-13 08:07 pm UTC (link)
I'll hire a priest.

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2009-10-13 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Evasion tactics.

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2009-10-13 08:10 pm UTC (link)
I'm sure that's what you provoke people into doing. Evade you.

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2009-10-13 08:11 pm UTC (link)
You mean the teeth weren't a giveaway?

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2009-10-13 08:12 pm UTC (link)
...that would imply that people actually bother looking.

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2009-10-13 08:14 pm UTC (link)
And yet which of us is getting laid, Haruno.

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2009-10-13 08:15 pm UTC (link)
...you've been talking to Ino.

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2009-10-13 08:17 pm UTC (link)
More than talking to her.

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2009-10-13 08:18 pm UTC (link)
I don't want details.

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2009-10-13 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Perv, I wasn't about to offer any.

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2009-10-13 08:22 pm UTC (link)
You were implying it. I don't need the implications either.

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2009-10-13 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Make that prude.

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2009-10-13 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Don't pretend you know me that well, Suigetsu.

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2009-10-13 09:11 pm UTC (link)
So you aren't a prude.

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2009-10-13 09:13 pm UTC (link)
Wouldn't you like to know.

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(no subject) - [info]aquatic, 2009-10-13 09:17 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]goodwithscalpel, 2009-10-13 09:18 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]aquatic, 2009-10-13 09:26 pm UTC

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