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User:goldenbells (26798)
Name:Madi Sotelo Corvas

-Madi Sotelo Corvas-

Now let the Eagle knights and Jaguar knights embrace oh princes!
The shields make a great din,
ready is the company that must make prisoners!
Through our efforts alone are the flowers of war stained and moved to and fro!
It is time to give pleasure to the god.

layout by refutare@LJ

Schools:None listed
People37:agretos, alyttelgeste, appointedtime, aurora_leigh, buddingmorrow, crowinthealder, dispater, dryad, erinys, fieryarrow, goldenbells, hesperos, heyjupiter, hezarafsana, illmet, inlonesplendour, interduca, kore, liesmith, liquidasets, malakh, mercurymods, necocyaotl, ohsnap, okouwa, oolissays, posthumous, saltsea, settheory, shiva, sofamiliar, songsofearth, spinneret, thoseberubies, vanadis, weftwarpwimble, wyrtgaelstre
Friend of:67: 9dayswonder, actthebear, agretos, aphanes, appointedtime, artificer, buddingmorrow, commonsensical, crowinthealder, crownandhoney, dispater, dryad, eidolon, eigengrau, enyalios, fieryarrow, forerunner, gallowsburden, girlfriday, goldenbells, guanshiyin, hesperos, heyjupiter, hezarafsana, horticulturist, infamyofcrete, inlonesplendour, interduca, ipsevenenabibas, itsaliving, karkinopous, kerdea, kore, lapucelle, lepidopterist, liesmith, limetree, liquidasets, littlegreycells, longsnakemoan, malakh, mercurymods, milesbetter, mimic, necocyaotl, nohardmatter, noirishnodogs, ohsnap, okouwa, oolissays, plentyncael, posthumous, profiteer, psychopompous, rockbottomriser, saltsea, sanguinetauri, seafoamborn, secondsight, settheory, sevenveils, shiva, silverbought, solinvictus, songsofearth, thoseberubies, weftwarpwimble
Member of:1: mercurystanding
Account type:Early Free User

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