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Someone wrote in [info]goithtsnbc,
Good crew it's cool :) best drugstore mascara length and volume 'I wasn’t thinking, “Oh, this is a job for the phone,”’ Weber says. 'I was making a record of my time up in Harlem with a pal.’ These pals seem like an incongruous match: Bailey, 75, the brash rebel from London’s East End, overthrew the conventions of fashion photography with his gritty, high-contrast images of gamine models and the biggest film and music stars of the 1960s. Weber, 67, born and raised in rural Pennsylvania, has channelled the old-school glamour of photographers such as George Platt Lynes in making images of chiselled Adonises and lanky women. But both have put their passions into their photographs and films. They both gained early notoriety with provocative imagery that redefined what a sex symbol can be. When they met more than 30 years ago, they were drawn together by mutual admiration, both professional and personal.

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