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Uchiha Obito ([info]gogglefetish) wrote,
@ 2009-04-28 00:11:00

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Entry tags:fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck., new, phone, shiny!

[003] What's my favorite color?
I got a new phone!


And it's beautiful. And it plays music. And I might actually not lose this one. Because it's awesome. I'm sure the phone company fucking loves me, with how many of these I go through- It's orange!!!! Same number, don't worry, anyone who cares, you can still call me anytime. And since this thing is kind of maybe making me like using it, I might pick up.

Or I'll let it ring once I download some sweetass ringtones for it. I will keep you guys posted.

For anyone slow on the uptake, this is me keeping myself busy. Seriously. Call me. Take me out somewhere, anybody. I need out. Going crazy in here; that empty room is still empty and I forgot to go get groceries and there's nothing to eat and even Monster's fucking gone-

Hey. Minato. Fuck you.

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2009-04-29 04:33 pm UTC (link)

Alright, alright.

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