1. They first bonded over Aine introducing her to her music, which Lysi turned out to love, and as drinking buddies.
2. Aine had her buddy for "girly" stuff already, so it didn't take long to decide having a drinking and clubbing buddy was awesome.
3. #2 led to some problems with drunk idiots hitting Lysi's "boys are for fighting" buttons, and they got kicked out of more than a few places.
4. Hitting the lesbian bars worked a surprising amount better, might not have initially been Aine's scene, but she could dance, get cat-called at, drink... and eventually flirt without Lysi starting a brawl the first time someone hit on her or spilled beer on her.
5. It took some drinking, and Aine's "wild child" streak being on a high note, but despite her earlier insistences they were just buddies (which Lysi had respected to that point), Aine kissed her first. It turned out to be a very good thing the WCA base is super-reinforced.
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