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Grayson Wilkes ([info]glovesmandatory) wrote,
@ 2008-04-30 00:53:00

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I regret to inform you all that Louisa passed away last night.

[Wilkeses] And no, I didn't do it ... before anyone even asks. [/Wilkeses]

[Amery] I'm sorry. I know you were ... twins. [/Amery]

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2008-04-30 08:17 am UTC (link)
Double fuck you.

And you honestly think I care how it would look? I shagged another man a week before my wedding on a bloody rooftop, I Do. Not. Care. If the Boy is left behind, the Boy is left behind.

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2008-04-30 08:18 am UTC (link)
Mind yourself, Juliana.

You can be a spoiled brat at another time. At the funeral family unity will be important.

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2008-04-30 08:20 am UTC (link)
You're in no position to call me a spoiled brat, Grayson. I know you're pleased about this.

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2008-04-30 08:21 am UTC (link)
Regardless of how either of us feel about this we both know how we'll be expected to act.

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2008-04-30 08:23 am UTC (link)
I'll have no problem acting properly, my emotions on the situation will not have to be feigned. You really disgust me some days. However, acting properly does not have to include the Boy, nor will it.

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2008-04-30 08:25 am UTC (link)
It should include him, however much you dislike him. Just ensure you're there, Juliana.

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2008-04-30 08:28 am UTC (link)
No, it should not. If there's anyone in this society that actually expects me to be looking for comfort from a child, four years my junior, with whom I was forced into a marriage, then they're positively insane.

I don't believe I'm the one that anyone has to be concerned about being there.

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2008-04-30 08:37 am UTC (link)
Oh, dear sister, surely you jest.

I understand that he is a child, but at least try to make it look as if you're not going to kill him at the drop of a hat.

That would probably implicate me in the long run.

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2008-04-30 08:42 am UTC (link)
I would be shocked, what with all your good brotherly concern that I make things look well with him.

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2008-04-30 06:44 pm UTC (link)
Of course.

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