
Recent Entries

10/2/09 09:04 am - [002]

I need to speak to someone who has been, or is currently "in love."

8/26/09 07:36 pm - [001]

What is the purpose of burying dead bodies? I assumed it was to mask the smells of decomposition, which can become foul very quickly, but I'm also told there is personal significance to it. That does not make sense. A dead body is an object. It cannot talk to you. I would not feel comforted sitting next to a decomposing heap of flesh, organs, and bones. I believe it is more efficient to burn the bodies. The odor of the burning flesh is only a temporary discomfort, and does not take as long as natural processes.

Burying is also impractical, for it is a waste of land, unless you were to bury many in one large hole. Even in that situation, a cremation would ultimately save resources. Labor, included.

Many things commonplace are not practical. I wonder why this is. I will have to look further into it.

8/26/09 05:46 pm - [APPLICATION COPY]

Name: Didgey
Age: 21
Personal Journal: [info]tobi
Contact Information:
AIM: ask

Past RP Experience: I live here. :(

Character: Gaara
Age: 14
PB: Hongo Kanata
Classification: Brunette. I have changed his hair color from red to brown. I know, it hurts me too. But we'll get over it together. :(
Occupation: Working visa for the First District, does data entry for a medical research corporation. Because he's special, and doesn't need your SCHOOLS.

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