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[Mar. 26th, 2011|08:21 pm]

we don't want to believe that the sun can still shine on
RESOURCES: Hesiod's Theogony, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of Athena, The Odyssey, The Iliad
DOMAINS OF POWER: Wisdom, civilization, domestic crafts, justice, strategy, and warfare.
FULL POWERS: In her full power, Athena had many abilities. She was able to change her physical appearance to that of any human she wished, and sometimes she has been depicted as taking the shape of an owl. Athena was able to weave tapestries from the sky itself, turn mortals into animals, and strike mortals blind while giving them the power of prophecy. She was able to wield the lightning bolts of Zeus as well as her own items of power, had tremendous physical strength, and could give the power of Godsight.
ITEMS OF POWER: Her aegis bearing the head of Medusa. She does not have the full power to be able to cause the gorgon's eyes to open.
CURRENT STATE OF POWERS: Athena can still use her power to fuel her physical capabilities: make herself stronger, faster, more enduring in a fight. Many times that is mainly what she uses her powers for. Only rarely, and when she is in full reserve, can she still change her shape to that of an owl and back. She can still place her blessings among chosen mortals as well as occasionally gift them with Godsight (the ability to allow a human to see a god in their true form, which is otherwise invisible to the mortal eye).
SKILLS & ABILITIES: Athena has always had the ability to weave and sew, and that has not failed her, although she can no longer pull from the sky itself to weave. In the long years she has had, she has learned a multitude of languages and fighting styles. Everything from Oriental martial arts (of several varieties) to modern army combatives.
MORTAL NAME: Valerie "Val" Garrett
MORTAL AGE: Appears to be in her mid to late 20s.
RESIDENCE: Athena owns a small house in Chicago's lakefront district.
OCCUPATION: Currently she owns a nice bookshop in Chicago's downtown, called Bookwise. It has some of the more popular modern books available for the occasional customer, but the shop's specialty is in older books often sought by those with a thirst for knowledge or by collectors. Bookwise also has the best Greek mythology collection in Chicago, if not the whole US.

HOW HAS LIVING WITH MORTALS AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER: Athena had been fond of mortals in the glory days, and so it was not as hard for her to adjust as it may have been for some others. She began a cool and collected goddess who didn't let her feelings rule the way she acted (mostly; there were a few times in which even she failed at that). Living among mortals has softened her a bit and given her more of a sense of humor, although she slips right back into the cold sense of duty when needed.
PLAYED BY: Cristina Scabbia
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Athena is a bit on the taller side, standing at 5'8 when not wearing any form of heels. She has a slim and toned figure and being that she is a war goddess, she is tougher and faster than she appears at first. This mortal seeming has wavy black hair that, more often than not, is worn down around her shoulders. Her most telling feature are her eyes, which have remained the same grey hue they had always been. "Grey eyed" is one of her epithets and in honor of this, she never changes her eye color.

In terms of style, Athena in this lifetime has gotten fond of the more alternative styles. She enjoys clothes pulled from punk and gothic styles combined with the ever simple jeans and t-shirts. When she wears makeup it is usually dark, sometimes only worn around the eyes and brings out the grey hue.

In comparison to many other members of her family, Athena had a mild personality. She was cold and professional at times, taking her godly duties very seriously. She was warmer and loving to the family she liked. But she could also be as heated as the worst of the Greeks, acting out on anger and vengeance when she felt wronged or insulted, once to the point of starting one of the greatest wars in history.

Today, Athena still maintains many of the same traits she held while the Greeks were in their heyday. The biggest change was that she has gotten softer due to the time she has spent among mortals. She is in general a kinder and more generous person, as well as more fun. It wasn't often in her older lives that she could have been called "fun" or "entertaining", though that has changed. Athena has adopted quite the sense of humor, even if it is a bit sarcastic at times.

She still has her preferences of family members, and treats many like she once did. Those she liked she would do damn near anything for, there were many that would obtain a neutral respect, and still there is that handful that sets her on guard.

While she is friendlier, Athena still slips into her old cold demeanor when the need arises. There are times when it slips from her, but she tries very hard to keep her emotions out of her actions. When the time comes for the goddess to come before the mortal identity, she becomes cold and logical, analyzing and strategic. Some would even go so far as to call her heartless. Emotions play a very small part in her actions, if any at all.

There are times when she gets upset or feels slighted, and those are not times you wish to be on her bad side. No one should wish to see the wrath of a goddess who is just as capable of taking your head off in a fit of anger as she is to plan out what she's going to do with your innards.

As a virgin goddess, Athena does not know romantic love. It is doubtful she ever will. She does understand the matters of heart as well as those of mind, but she has not experienced those feelings for herself. Love has no part in war. Athena is also a very honest person, to the point of being rather blunt at times. If you do not want an honest opinion, Athena is not the person you should be asking.

Athena was the first born in the second generation of the gods of Olympus - born from Metis and Zeus. Zeus had swallowed Metis in paranoia of a prophecy while she was pregnant, and after the god’s head felt as if it were about to burst, Prometheus split his head with an axe and Athena sprung forth clad in full armour. It was no surprise that Athena was considered the favored child of the King of the gods, having been born solely by him.

She was the patron goddess of Athens, which had been named after her after she won a competition with her uncle, Poseidon, over the territory. She had dealings with many mortals - often choosing strong warriors to receive her blessing. Athena did such things as add fuel to the fire of the Trojan war (allying with Poseidon and Hera on the side of the Achaeans) and reared the serpent-king of Athens, Erichthonius.

When the faith in the gods began to fail and their world began to crumble, Athena stayed in Olympus almost to the very end. It was the failing in her powers that made her finally depart their mountain home and descend to live amongst the mortals. She did not, however, leave Greece.

For many years she lived in her city of Athens, watching her world change and shift around her. She took refuge in the home of one of her still faithful Priestesses. The Priestess was killed a few short years after Athena came to live with the widowed woman and her two daughters by a thief attempting to rob the home. Feeling much grief for the loss and the fact she was away and unable to have defended the Priestess, Athena remained and raised the two daughters just as she had raised Erichthonius. To this day, the faith in the goddess remains in the family and the duties of priestess passed from generation to generation.

Athena spent many lifetimes roaming throughout Europe. She kept moving slowly north, staying only in one area for years at a time if she felt comfortable (which was never a common occurrence). The loss of her status and the scattering of her family had taken quite a toll and it was a heavy burden that took centuries to shake off.

It wasn’t until the 1500s that Athena broke out of her shell after migrating to Ireland. She longed for the days of epic heroes and adventures, and it was the adventure of the sea that called her attention. It was during that lifetime that she spent her days on the sea among some of the infamous pirates that are listed in history today.

She dwelt in England for some time after that while England was beginning to settle in the Americas. Athena stayed there for many years, moving from one part of the country to the other, living several lifetimes and having a hand in many events. She fought in the Revolutionary war, the Civil war, and she fought for Women’s rights.

Athena spent many more quiet years in the States before returning to Greece to see how much her country and city had changed. She was happy to find that the descendants of the two children she once cared for still believed so fiercely in her. Athena had called on her powers very rarely in the past years, mainly to change her appearance as she slipped into another identity. But even then, Athens grew old and she returned again to Ireland.

Ireland was home for several years before receiving an interesting letter from her father, explaining he had now settled in Chicago, Illinois. She has made a comfortable niche for herself in the windy city. Athena owns and runs a bookshop called Bookwise and lives quite comfortably in her little house, waiting to see if any other members of her family would pass her by.


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