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ride [Jan. 28th, 2008|01:29 pm]
[Current Location |]


Important music:

Cary Brothers - Ride
Oasis - Wonderwall

I've been really happy lately, apart from bouts of insomnia that last until four am when I force myself to pass out. Then I wake up and go to class, or sleep all day depending on if it's Monday or Tuesday, or Wednesday or Thursday.

Jack and I have started talking again and I don't think it's any secret how much I like him. School is good, I'm a little behind but I'm quickly catching up. I'm making more friends. I miss my old ones a lot but I think hanging out with new people is healthy.

EPC is picking up with activity too and I'm very happy about that. I haven't made anymore plans in regards to the meet up but we'll see. It's a big issue.

I'll write more later.

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