Giving Up Daisies - November 8th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 8th, 2007

a good night [Nov. 8th, 2007|11:02 pm]
[Current Mood | hopeful]

Tonight I had a really good conversation with someone whose opinion I respect greatly. This was only the second time we've ever talked on the phone but both times were hilarious and well-worth it. It's just so easy with them. And the wisdom they put forth in every way they present themselves is trustworthy. It all made sense once I talked to someone who really understood.

I remember talking to Martha when I was in Austin and we were all sitting around this semicircle, there were people around, and we were all singing to eachother, taking turns standing up front and performing.. and I said something about doing what you want to do. And she said that was how she lived all the time. But the funny thing was I couldn't say that I did too. I do know that I am more myself around my friends than I am wallowing alone, waiting for some one to show me that they care like the guy waiting for a miracle from God, having rejected 3 ships and a helicopter.

I find myself escaping into things often, but I know I am and could be so much more than that. My biggest enemy is myself because I am constantly telling myself, you can't do that, or this, what are you even thinking? But I have to admit I enjoy failing at something I really want to do more than I enjoy succeeding in what I feel is a waste of time. The embarrassment is worth it because you try and want to do it again. You want to get better. I want to get better.

And I'm finding that I really must not appreciate or respect myself much, because I do my body torture by not caring, I do myself wrong by not dressing how I want to dress, by not talking or smiling in or speaking in the direction of the people I want to be around. Around my best friends I am confident but it's really hard for me to break out at first.

I want to get to know you. I really do. It's just always been my worry that I have nothing to offer as a friend. So I have a hard time letting people in past my Uh huhs and Mks. It's nothing against you, I just didn't think I was worth it. But beneath it all, I know I am.

Beneath it all I know that I have the potential to be the person I want to be. And I hope that I am never fully satisfied.

"It is better to be a human being unsatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates. unsatisfied than a fool satisfied." (John Stuart Mill)

Thanks James. :) G'night everyone.

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