Laura Kinney/X-23's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Laura Kinney/X-23

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App for [info]exiles [11 Feb 2013|12:53am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
AIM (if you have one): msalliepants
Character Name: Laura Kinney/X-23
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]girlverine_
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'1, 110 lbs, brown hair, green eyes.
Age: 17
PB: Kaya Scoeldario
As a clone of Wolverine, X-23 possesses most of his mutant powers. However, since she is still in her teens, some of her powers aren't as developed as those of Wolverine.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Like Wolverine, X-23's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing factor that enables her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damage and blood loss such as multiple bullet wounds, slash wounds, and puncture wounds within a matter of minutes. Her healing factor is developed to such a degree, she is capable of reattaching severed limbs, such as a hand. She has also proven capable of regrowing an entire arm on her own (Elixer was incapacitated at the time).[5] Her healing factor may fluctuate with her psychological state as battle wounds tend to heal very quickly, but her self inflicted cuts appear to remain visible for some time.

Foreign Chemical Immunity: X-23's natural healing also affords her the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs. She can be affected by some drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a massive dose.

Disease Immunity: Due to her highly efficient immune system, X-23 is immune to all Earthly diseases and infections.

Superhumanly Acute Senses: X-23 possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She is capable of seeing at much greater distances, and with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity in near-total darkness. Her sense of hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to both hear sounds that ordinary human's can't and to hear sounds that ordinary humans can, but at much greater distances. X-23 is able to use her highly developed sense of smell to track targets by scent with an impressive degree of success, even if the scent has been eroded by natural factors, such as the weather.

Superhuman Stamina: X-23's muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair her.

Superhuman Agility: X-23's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: X-23's reflexes are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Bone Claws: X-23's skeleton includes two retractable bone claws in each arm and one in each foot that she can extend and retract at will. These claws are housed beneath the skin and muscle. Unsheathing them causes her skin to tear and bleed, but the wounds are quickly dealt with by her healing factor. X-23 can unsheathe any number of these claws at once, although she must keep her wrists and/or feet straight at the moment the claws emerge. The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone, allowing X-23 to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials.

Longevity: Presumably, because X-23 is a clone of the mutant Wolverine, her healing factor will also provide her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process.

Superhuman Durability: She was capable of fighting the Hulk without sustaining any severe injuries and surviving energy blasts from Nimrod.

Adamantium Claws: X-23's claws have been coated with the nigh-indestructible metal Adamantium. As a result, her claws are virtually unbreakable and are capable of cutting almost any substance, with the exceptions of Adamantium itself and Captain America's shield. Her ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon the amount of force she can exert and the thickness of the substance. Also, since the bones of her hands and wrists are not laced with Adamantium, it is likely that the reverberation of her claws could conceivably break her hands with significant force. Unlike Wolverine, the presence of Adamantium in her body is not sufficient enough to interfere with her bones' normal function of generating blood corpuscles, although it is as likely that some degree of her immune system is distracted by the presence of the foreign substance. Her claws can cut through the Hulk's skin and eyes.

Expert Tracker: Due to her enhanced sense of smell, Laura is a dangerous tracker and has memorized many different scents.

Master Martial Artist: She is an excellent hand to hand combatant, with intensive training in numerous armed and unarmed martial arts techniques.
Multilingual: Laura can speak fluent American English, French, and Japanese. She might be able to speak other languages.

From her time in Weapon X's facility, Laura also has had some training in covert assassination techniques.
Weaknesses and flaws:
Induced Berserker Rage: She has also been subjected to conditioning in which a specific "trigger scent" has been used to send her into a berserker rage, killing anything in sight.

Powerful Energy Blasts: Injuries like being hit with blasts of energy from Nimrod that caused her to age can't be healed, if she had been hit with it again she probably would have died.
Character location/Home: Westchester, NY.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Logan (genetic template, "father), Sarah Kinney (creator, mother, deceased), Daken (half-brother), Amiko Kobayashi (foster-sister).
Backstory (Please include as much detail as possible about the world they came from):
When a top-secret program attempted to recreate the original Weapon X experiment that involved the feral mutant Wolverine, they failed to secure a test subject who could survive the bonding process of the virtually unbreakable metal Adamantium to their skeleton. Seeking to take the project in a new direction, the project's director, Doctor Marin Sutter, recruited renowned mutant geneticist Doctor Sarah Kinney and tasked her with creating a clone.

Using the only available genetic sample from Weapon X, which was damaged, they were unable to salvage the Y chromosome after twenty-two attempts. Kinney proposed they create a female clone, and though her request was initially denied, she still went ahead and produced a viable female subject, prompting Sutter to reconsider. Despite resistance from his protégé Doctor Zander Rice, whom Sutter had raised after Rice's father had been killed by a bestial Wolverine at the original Weapon X Project, Sutter allowed Kinney to proceed. As revenge for her insubordination, Rice forced Kinney to act as the surrogate mother for the clone, and she gave birth to "X-23".

Seven years later, raised in captivity X-23 was trained to be a weapon. Kinney did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. After seven years, Rice had X-23 subjected to radiation poisoning in order to accelerate the activation of her mutant gene, and forcibly extracted her claws and coated them with Adamantium. After Rice realized the child was growing soft, he blamed her sensei, one of the few people who treated her with kindness, and tested a chemical compound called "trigger scent" on him. The "trigger scent" causes Laura to kill mercelessly anything in her path, and thus she murdered her best friend. Rice already had a replacement in the wings, a woman named Kimura. Kimura was harsh and strictly punished X-23 for the death of her sensei.

Not being able to stand the way that X-23 was being treated, Kinney arranged for X-23 to be sent away from the Facility, in hopes that she would be found by Wolverine, and he would safe her from further mistreatment. Kinney went against her superiors, and smuggled X-23 out of the Facility. Unfortunately, the Facility found out, and pursued the pair. Sarah was gunned down as her and X-23 made their way to New York. X-23 managed to escape, with nothing but the clothes on her back, and a letter that Sarah wrote to Wolverine, asking him to protect X-23, who Sarah had named Laura. Laura was left alone, and felt, at the age of eight, for the first time in her life, very scared. She survived on the streets of New York City, stealing and hoping to find someway to get to where Sarah said she was taking her. One night, Laura was cornered by a man, who attempted to assault her. She killed him in self-defense, and the way the murder had been done gained the attention of SHIELD, who noticed the claw marks where the man had been gutted, and thought it was someone impersonating Wolverine. Logan got called in to track down the killer before more murders could be committed.

Once he was called in, Logan managed to pick up the killer's scent. Eventually, he tracked Laura down to an alley where she'd been hiding. At first, Logan refused to believe that a little girl could be capable of murder, until Laura, scared, attacked him. Logan, though initially shocked at a little girl with claws and abilities like his, managed to subdue Laura and knock her out. Searching her, he found Sarah's letter, and read it. Seeing that Laura was just a little kid, and not wanting to hand her over to SHIELD, where she'd be again treated as a living weapon, Logan took Laura back to Westchester with him, and told SHIELD that the killer had been taken care of.

Laura had a hard time adjusting to Xavier's. She'd never been outside of the Facility, save with Sarah, and the different atmosphere was overwhelming to her. Though everyone treated her with kindness and concern, she was prone to frequent rages, and Logan was often called in to calm her down, as even though he'd frightened her at first, she felt a certain calm in his presence, as he seemed to understand her. Logan, in turn, kept a very watchful eye over Laura, as he felt responsible for her. It took time, but Laura slowly adjusted. She had a hard time trusting people, but she felt more at ease then she had before in her life. Laura struggled with emotions that weren't related to anger and rage, but Logan helped her work towards becoming more human.

Though her adjustment was slow, Laura became more open around people that she trusted, mainly Logan, Storm, Gambit, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, and Nightcrawler. She still had a hard time making friends, which was why Storm recommended that she join the Young X-Men when she was seventeen, so she'd be around her peers. While Laura was distant to them at first, she eventually became friends with Cessily Kincaid. She had an antagonistic relationship with Julian Keller, who would call her a "robot without a soul", and was a favorite of Emma Frost, who she distrusted.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Dropping into the sand with the rest of the Exiles.
What are you planning to do with this character?: I'd like to see her learn to trust the Exiles, and work into being a member of the team. This Laura isn't quite as emotionally closed-off as her 616-counterpart, but she still has initial issues trusting new people. She's also better at keep her rages in-check, due to years of training from Logan.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I'd like to see her run into a couple of alternate Wolverines, especially an evil one, as that would be all kinds of conflict for Laura.

Sample post:

Danger Room sessions were a great way to blow off steam. Over the years, Laura had learned to keep her temper in check, but sometimes, it was nice to just take out that temper on some unsuspecting robots. Even though she really wanted to take it out on Julian. He just made her so angry. Sure, he got a rise out of calling her names and watching her fume silently, as she tried not to reach over her desk and slice that smug smirk of his face, but she knew that it meant a lot to Ororo that she try and make an effort to "work well with her peers". And she'd been trying. She really like Cessily, and while she could be annoying, Meggan wasn't so bad, either. But Julian really just irritated her. And she knew, that if she lay as much as a finger on Julian, that Emma Frost would shake her head and give her one of her condescending looks, and treat her like she was some kind of animal. Which she wasn't. Logan told her, she couldn't let other people treat her that way, and Laura didn't. Sure, she wasn't the most mild-mannered girl, and she certainly didn't hold back her opinions, but Laura did a good job of keeping her temper in check, and not letting her claws pop out when someone pissed her off.

There were just some days when it was, really, really hard. Logan had been so good on helping her learn that she didn't have to be angry all the time, and she'd gotten better. She really had, and a lot of the times, she could just shrug off what Julian said with a couple of deep meditation breaths that Kitty had taught her how to do. But other times, when the comments got to be a little too much for her, meditation breaths just didn't cut it. But slicing some robots did. And afterward, Laura always felt a little better. Sometimes, mediation breaths and yoga were a good way of blowing off steam. But for all those other times, the Danger Room was there.

Laura had come along way since Logan had first brought her to the Institute those years ago. She knew that he was proud of her, and that helped her a lot. She knew that her temper could be a problem sometimes, but she always knew that she would have Logan to help her.

[ viewing | February 11th, 2013 ]
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