NAME: Ashleigh Elizabeth Barton. AGE/BIRTHDAY: 15; January 13, 1995 GRADE: 10th Grade (Sophormore) CLASS: Upper class and fairly popular.
FAMILY:Father: Matthew Barton Mother: Alexandrea Barton: Half-Sister: Maible Gallagher Ashleigh is extremely close to her father. Her mother, however, has always been over-critical of her to the point of being very mean and Ashleigh hates spending time with the woman. Ashleigh is unaware of her half-sister, the product of an affair her father had with the girl's mother just over a decade ago. SEXUALITY: Straight, but she might be willing to experiment. ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, Dance Production, Future Educators of America, National Honor Society, Yearbook.
APPEARANCE: Ashleigh is average in height (5'4") and has a slender build (110 lbs). She has long, blonde hair and blue eyes. Though she tans quite easily, she is normally indoors, focusing on her school work and, therefore, keeps a fair complexion. You may occasionally find her hair thrown up into some sort of messy ponytail (most likely because it was getting in her way while she worked) but, usually, it hangs loosely around her shoulders. When in thought, you will find her worrying her bottom lip or the inside of her cheek between her teeth but most of her fidgets end there. Her clothes are always neatly pressed and in perfect place. She may spend a lot of her time with her nose in the books but she has an eye for fashion and normally follows whatever is in style. In a room crowded with people she doesn't know, Ashleigh could appear shy, possibly too shy. Approach her, though, and you'll find a bubbly, kind, outgoing, person with a constant smile on her face. PLAYED BY: Aimee Teegarden
LIKES: Shopping, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends, reading DISLIKES: Brussel sprouts, her mother, cooking STRENGTHS: Intelligent, kind, warmhearted WEAKNESSES: Naive, forgiving, insecure
DETAILED PERSONALITY: Ashleigh is a very friendly person.
Most people would label her as 'innocent' or 'naive' and, honestly, they wouldn't be far off. Under the constant coddling of her father, she's led a very sheltered life. She's not stupid by any means... she's trusting and believes that there is good in even the worst people.
Ashleigh likes to live in happy ignorance. She knows what is going on in the world (or how bad it is)... but she doesn't like to dwell on these thoughts. She'll read anything but she wont read most newspapers and she doesn't watch the news. She doesn't want to think about how bad actually things are. If she dwelt on it, she wouldn't be able to focus on much else. It's not the healthiest decision but she chooses to ignore the real problems in the world until she can't ignore them any more. Bad events, even some of the larger publicized ones, literally have to be shoved under her nose for her to notice them.
Those that she cares about take top priority in her life. If you hurt them, you've hurt her. She is very dedicated and loyal to the people that she loves. She trusts them completely and is incapable of seeing their faults. She loves who she loves and nothing else matters to her... she'll stand by their side and support them through any decision... even if she doesn't, exactly, agree with it.
After those that she loves, school comes second in her life. She puts her education above most everything else in the world but a part of that comes from a deep seeded desire to do something in her life and prove to her mother that she is an amazing person. She'd never voice it but she longs for a day in which her mother is truly proud of her.
As said, she's a very sweet and loving person. You have to actually do something to spark her anger but she can get angry. Like most people, if she is previously bothered, worried, aggravated... it takes a lot less to send her into defense mode. Regardless of her normal personality, her temper is very much intact. Once it's unleashed, it's ugly and very hard to get under control. When actually angered she tends to lose rational thought, she doesn't use deductive reasoning, she decides on an action (using mostly her heart and emotions) and then acts... screw the consequences!
HISTORY: Ashleigh grew up as an only child in the home of parents who were polar opposites.
Ashleigh's mother had gotten pregnant at a young age by a man she didn't love. She viewed Ashleigh as the end of her childhood, a constant reminder of the life she was forced to live in, and absolutely hated the girl. Always striving for her attention, Ashleigh threw herself into her school work, and all the other things her mother seemed to care about but the woman only made appearances when she wanted to scold Ashleigh for her grades (if they weren't perfect, they weren't good enough) or when she had something particularly hurtful to say. Through her childhood, the woman only seemed to have one goal in life and that was to make her daughter and husband completely miserable.
Due to the lack of motherly affection, Ashleigh is and will forever be a daddy's girl. Like her mother, her father was also young when Ashleigh was born. (The similarities end there.) Through high school, he was the star quarter back with a list of athletic scholarships to choose from. With Ashleigh on his hip, he couldn't exactly pursue a career in the NFL. With the help of his own parents, he focused on earning a degree in Sports Management.
He did his best to make sure that Ashleigh felt loved and had all the things she needed and wanted. Between him and her semi-wealthy grandparents, Ashleigh can be quite spoiled... though, that really only shows when she is with her father. She doesn't let her up bringing cloud her judgment. Nor does she throw temper tantrums when things are not exactly as she wanted them to be. For a "spoiled" girl, she is surprisingly down to earth.
In school, Ashleigh is really focused on her studies. School seems to be the one thing her mother really cares about and, deep down, she's always striven to make the woman happy. Though she has many friends and considers herself quite close to several, she's never lost her focus on her studies. She has, occasionally, find herself interested in this boy or that boy, including her best friend and next door neighbor Ed McMillan. She's starting to grow tired of watching other girls throw themselves at him while he remains oblivious to her feelings for him, though, and she's happy return the attentions of some of the other boys she knows at school.
OOC Info PLAYER NAME: Crystal. EMAIL: AIM/OTHER: hope31516.