Incredible. It's Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff with the game this weekend, and yet we're training harder than ever. Booth? How about one calming draught, right into Harry's oatmeal, please? Gryffindor's team and reserves would be so very grateful.
I've been engaging in a touch of subterfuge lately--oh, relax, Ernie, I didn't break a single rule--and I must say: it was quite thrilling. Especially since it all seems to have ended happily...
[Hexed Private to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's Quidditch Teams]That offer I made before? Still stands. I know that you aren't playing
Them yet, but I know how the week before a match just...makes your head spin. Or if your captain is like mine: your head is ripped clear the sod off. Anyone need anything?
[End Hex]
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