the weasley girl [entries|friends|calendar]
Miss Ginny

she went to see a mystic who made medicine from rain and gave up her existence to feel everything; she just vanished into a thick mist of change.
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[Tuesday May 6, 8pm]
The infirmary here is so quiet compared to St. Mungo's. How would I know? Because I'M HERE.

I am not contagious, I can go to class and kick ass in Quidditch, but I have to sleep in here at night so that I am "monitored" and get "adequate rest." What bollocks. Anyway, I'm back! Thank Merlin, thank blessed Merlin, I'm home!

[Monday March 31, 2pm]
Private to Harry )

[Thursday March 20, 2am]
Private to Neville, Hermione, and Ron...and Harry added because he wants to speak for himself the prat )

[Tuesday March 18, 11am]
Private to Seamus )

Let's just pretend this happened right after she went to McGonagall... [Sunday March 16, 8pm]
So. How is everyone tonight? Any big plans? When Harry find out, what will he do?

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