Ginevra Molly Weasley's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ginevra Molly Weasley

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[05 Aug 2008|12:19am]
There has got to be a way to speed up this summer.

Bloody hell, Mum has me doing everything imaginable, trying to keep me prepared for whatever. When I say whatever, believe me, I mean it. You'd think, she'd be done harping on me about how to cast a simple knicker-fixing charm(I mean, really)! I don't think that if I'm trapped in the bloody wilderness being chased by inferi or a dragon or a werewolf or a bloody one-eyed, one horned, flying purple people-eater, that I'm going to be concerned with whether there's a tiny hole in my knickers near my arsecheek! All of this housewife business has me going absolutely nutters.

And thank you very much, Ronald Bilius, for never being home. What a right useful brother you are! Mum is practically throwing a fit if that bloody clock ever says you're in peril. Well, when you come home, you may as well be! I am going to hand you your left arsecheek in Quidditch. I cannot believe you'd leave me here to fend for myself, and you call yourself family.

I wonder if Mum will take me to Diagon Alley soon, I really ought to pick up some new school robes. Those old ones are looking a right mess. I suppose I ought to wait, though, for the books and all that.

Oi, I guess I better go do the dishes... or else. I'm sure Mum would have me by the ear tomorrow morning if I don't.
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[ viewing | August 5th, 2008 ]
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