Woohoo! Welcome Gin! I've still got Adi, Cho, and Harry over here so I wanted to stop in and see what you think of what I wrote re: H/G :)
Other than school, Harry's been a pretty decent kid. He had a crush on Cho Chang for a long while (something about a girl who can play like that! And a Ravenclaw, too!) but after she cried when they kissed (in Harry's 5th year, she still wasn't over Cedric breaking up with her) and then ditched him for Michael Corner, who'd already dated Ron's little sister... well, he got over it pretty quick, even if he still thinks she's pretty. He dated Ginny briefly, 6th year, but before he left for Paris for the holiday with his parents, he ended it figuring on the distance. Harry prefers spending time with the guys from his office or the team, lounging at Never Never Land, instead of worrying about girls and dating. He does date, but he just hasn't gotten serious with anyone (boy or girl, if pressed for honesty).
In his last game of his sixth year, Captain Harry was pretty badly injured - his hips were set funny in the infirmary and getting on a broom was never quite the same. Acting out, he ended up in detention with Professor Snape during what would have been the last game of the year (this would have been, in the books, the game Ginny played and won). Harry's temper got the best of him and he didn't get back on a broom for a while. After his summer holiday, he flew again, but clearly had lost something, between his attitude and the injury. Harry stayed on as Captain and Seeker and still had an intense love of the game, but by the end of Seventh year, and after a mediocre showing on NEWTS (O's on DADA and surprisingly Muggle Studies, E's on OcMC, Charms, and Astronomy, he got A's in History and Transfig, no matter how much he doesn't believe it possible), he clearly wasn't going Pro. He instead signed up on the organization side of the pitch and has found himself excelling and glad to be a part of it all.
I didn't figure on Gin's reactions to anything, so whatever you'd like, just let me know!
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