03:20pm 28/07/2010
Michiko Anna Passos


Keegan Howe is Michiko's best friend and partner in crime. And soon to be Isamu's god father. Michiko wouldn't know what to do with him.
Gregoire Leclaire is one of Michi's good friends. He's a fellow mischief maker, a fellow goof, and shares the same love of indulging in reality t.v. talent competitions. On the surface it seems like a pretty superficial friendship but Michi really cares about Grey and would do just about anything to help him out.
Rowan Cabot. Rowan is dating Michi's best friend and it has always been important to Michi to get to know her. It didn't take long for them to become friends and they've been growing closer over time.
Mari Parker, Michiko's delightfully mischievous room mate and good friend. They are two peas in a pod. Shenanigans will be had.
Simon Buford is definitely someone Michiko considers a good friend. They have tons of fun and are able to still have serious moments. Sim is a good uncle and Michi loves to bring him to visit Isamu
Shelby Ginnish is great! A fellow Rienzi with tons of energy! He's the best mascot EVAR and Michi loves to hang out with him.
Brody Rogers. She's a super cute girl with boundless energy! Who could say no to that?
Vinnie Ciccarelli. This kid is awesome and Michi loves him for it.
Quinn Van Renssealear. Girl's get style. Definite shopping buddies.
Mackenzie Dubinsky. These girls definitely have a history. She's fun and fearless, the kind of person Michi loves to be around.
Leon Shaw. In an unlikely turn of events, Leon turned from mortal enemy to someone Michi cares about and is concerned for. She is caught in the middle of Leon and Addy and is doing her best to be a good friend for both of them.
Gabriel Maddox. Gaybee baby is friggin adorable. He's fashion savvy and way fun.

Significant Others
Past and Somewhat Present

Keegan Howe was Michiko's first relationship. They were close friends all through the Lower Institute and decided to start dating their freshman year. After realizing they were drifting apart they broke up. Without a doubt Keegan remains Michi's best friend to this day, she doesn't know what she would do without him.
Hunter Sommer was Michiko's only serious girlfriend. The two remain close friends and still throw awesome parties together, they can just hang out without the pressure of dating. They're practically attached at the hip.
His name was Pascual and what they had was a whirlwind summer romance with an abusive undertone. Threats, mistreatments, and meanly exchanged words reigned supreme in their relationship and when Michi found herself relieved to get back to school and away from Pascual, she realized she needed to end it with him.
Eli Lacey. The two have a roller coaster relationship, there are things that work and things that don't. They are for the most part on again, off again. Michiko and Eli fight and bicker often but there are some still really nice moments. They're making the best of a complicated situation.
Gael Shaw. Michi has been crushing on this boy so hard all year and they finally started dating around February. Michi is doing her best not to mess this one up.


Yori Miyaki. Michiko's half brother.

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