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「ζan → ℬell」 ([info]gimmeabell) wrote,
@ 2011-07-20 02:00:00

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Who's excited!?! I don't know what I'm supposed to do with Katie all season, but! I'M EXCITED!

Ellie-belly, when are you going to let me take you out to lunch again?

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2011-07-20 07:20 pm UTC (link)
Oh oh, me!

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2011-07-20 09:41 pm UTC (link)
As you should be!

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2011-07-21 12:10 am UTC (link)
Ava is going to be so cute in her little outfits!

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2011-07-21 12:23 am UTC (link)
I've got plenty of Katie's laid out already, believe me.

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2011-07-21 12:43 am UTC (link)
I'm not sure how well Ava will take to the daycare, though.

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2011-07-21 12:49 am UTC (link)
Yeaaah, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Katie yet.. My parents want to take her, but I doubt they can accommodate her as much as I'm going to be gone.

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2011-07-21 12:50 am UTC (link)
Doesn't United have a daycare too?

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2011-07-21 12:53 am UTC (link)
They do! I just don't know--I'm struggling with the idea of putting her in daycare after I stayed with her all off-season.

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2011-07-21 12:55 am UTC (link)
Well, at least she'll be close to you if she's at the daycare at the stadium most of the time!

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2011-07-21 01:04 am UTC (link)
Yeah, I guess you're right.

I don't know, BOO this would be much easier if her mother was-- maybe half there and half with my parents.

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2011-07-21 01:10 am UTC (link)
That could work!

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2011-07-20 09:16 pm UTC (link)
Hey! So--I was thinking, with all the craziness about quidditch and stuff---and I know Katie loves it see! I know stuff! maybe I could like--I dunno wear a big hat and sunglasses or something so no one thinks I'm some crazy stalker and take her to opening day?

I mean, unless you've got other ideas, of course, but I still like quidditch and she could--ugh stupid stupid--

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2011-07-20 09:46 pm UTC (link)
No, that's a good idea! You don't have to--- You don't have to--you know, wear a.. disguise or anything, though. It's not like people don't know you're her mom or anything and--

I don't know, it might be good anyway, for people to see that we don't hate each other there's no --issues, there are HUGE issues but-- hard feelings because of the divorce anything that happened.

--Unless you don't want to be in the public light, I mean. Which.. I understand, too. don't know how to talk to you properly anymore, this is so bloody unfai--

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2011-07-21 12:39 am UTC (link)
That's true. I don't mind really, if the mags say anything. Can't get any worse, right? Nope. Can't. Sucks. gwejnsmd

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2011-07-21 12:56 am UTC (link)
Nope, nothing gets worse than your wife forgetting who you are and lea--- Nope, only gets better from here!

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2011-07-21 01:01 am UTC (link)
I couldn't help but--
--I'm not like, poison right I---

I couldn't help but overlook---I mean, I could take Katie when you're travelling and stuff, if you- she doesn't mind.

I do want to be her mum I want to love her like I did before and--

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2011-07-21 01:07 am UTC (link)
Oh, you--really you don't have to-- did I somehow say something to make you feel obliga-- no, you should feel obligated, she's your daughter for christ's sake----that would help me out a lot, actually. I mean, if you really want to.

I understand that it's not exactly... easy for you. or her Maybe we can try it out a little at a time?

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2011-07-21 01:18 am UTC (link)
I want to.

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2011-07-21 01:25 am UTC (link)

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2011-07-23 02:16 am UTC (link)
I've been looking forward to this all year.

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