Think you can read past these eyes - Public 020 -- sometimes wishing for the past [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Public 020 -- sometimes wishing for the past [Jan. 29th, 2010|11:08 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-01-30 03:05 am (UTC)


Yeah, that and due to the lack of popularity scribbld is experinces compared to it's popularity when GJ first closed down a lot of people have simply parted ways and scribbld is no longer a social site really.

C'est la vie and all that.
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-30 03:11 am (UTC)


I think its a matter of that and of people just growing apart in many ways... we see things that we want to see in people for that particular moment, and then when they dont serve our purpose anymore it becomes an obsolete aspect.

But as i said, reguardless I am thankful for the ones that have lasted the test of time, Like between us.
[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-01-30 03:27 am (UTC)


True and I still think fandom is a big part too, people grown up and out of fandoms, gain different tastes, lose old ones. Life happens but I like to think the small number of people I still have are like good ones. It's better to have a small group than to just be a face in the crowd, yanno?
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-30 03:33 am (UTC)


I have to admit to that as well. I know alot of peoples tastes in fandom change. Mine had kept pretty solid... they just come and go as it happens, some people ruin them for me (like Tony had when he "died" on the whole Charmed one) or whatever.

But it is true, its nice to know to have a small group that youre truly close to then others
[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-01-30 03:44 am (UTC)


Yeah and you just have some people who feel like fandom = person. I am not my fandoms. We don't have to share fandoms to get along I mean yeah it helps to have things to talk about but I mean when it comes down to it people wont share fandoms forever. You gotta make bonds outside of fandom.

I mean the group of friends I have, most are like "Hetalia, ew not for me" but they like me just the same because I am not my fandom. They just don't ditch me or not talk to me because of it.
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-30 03:47 am (UTC)


see, i felt like most of the time when i wasnt intrigued with a fandom before, id get pulled out of the group of friends... but it was more after that huge incident that made me realize some things on a particular area.

But, its like we said before, we realize things as we grow up and change, whether it be for the better or worse, I just hope for others that see it, they see that its better then worse
[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-01-30 03:54 am (UTC)


Ngl, I totally used to try and get into fandoms I didnt like because everybody was in them but it was just so hard for me because i DIDNT like the stuff. SO i just kind of sidelined myself until it passed. Usually the people were still there after their little stint with whatever fandom.

I mean everybody wants to belong, right? Sometimes though you find out where you belong when you least expect it. After the fandom stints that I just couldn't get into my friends would still come back to me I never just ditched them because we just werent in the same thing. I stayed true to myself and my friends stayed true to me. That's how it should be. Ngl, I did get pissy and jealous beacause everybody would have their own little clubs and stuff for fandom that just wasn't for me. It's only human though. I'd get over it, which I always did. I've always sort of been the odd man out anyway so it was no big deal.
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-30 04:10 am (UTC)


I realized also that theese little "clubs" were kind of crazy... but i think it was because with how things were thought of my brain was not focused really on that, it was always moving in a different seperate direction and i just knew that somewhere i had to keep heading on the path that i was.

But i know alot of times we always long for the past when things were so much easier to understand or what have you. We, as humans... want what we're comfortable with. we hate to explore the unknown or whats not known to us. it drives us up the wall.

i'm just glad, that reguardless, theres always just those few people, that respect and love me for who i am and where ive come from. its hard when you know that people may say they like you and then stab you in the back afterwards.
[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-01-30 04:24 am (UTC)


Haha you know what's funny? If we had had this conversation two years ago up until a few months ago my outlook probably would have been a lot different. A lot meaner, a lot more cynical, if I even had the conversation with you at all. I was closed off in my own little world, hiding away from everybody but now I just have this attitude that it's ok if things seem bad. It's ok if things dont always go the way you want. It's ok if people leave you. It's ok if you don't have a lot of money because in the end there is always that small light, that little sliver of hope that will never die. Even though it may just be a seed, it eventually will blossom into something beautiful you just have to have patience and let it grow.

It's like this quote I posted a while back "Everything will be all right in the end, if it's not all right then it's not the end."
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-30 04:44 am (UTC)


i guess you would have to say the same thing with me.. if this was me two years ago, I would be freaking the heck out over every little thing, feeling that the entire world is out to get me and that i've been given the greatest injustice because i was given a life that was hard and blahblah blah

but for me now, i look at life as perhaps there was a bigger purpose and reason for me to be alive today. That there was a reason i was put on this earth, no matter how big or small the situation might be.