Think you can read past these eyes - Public 010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Public 010 [Jan. 21st, 2010|10:25 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-22 04:20 am (UTC)


Chigau~! I just did something nice for him... and yet he's taking it this far~!

In the neighborhood? It wouldnt be the bushes near my bedroom window again would it? *adjusts glasses*
From: [info]omegatrinity
2010-01-22 04:33 am (UTC)


How can you accuse me of such things, cher! I would never do something of such perversion! What sort of man do you take me for?

Still, *twirls his hair slightly* what Gilbert says is strange, oui? Of course, he does have the tendency to assume~ *gives Gilbert a pointed look*
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-01-22 07:17 pm (UTC)


aah~ And we know what happens when people assume anything...