Think you can read past these eyes - Public 024 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
a name means little

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Public 024 [Feb. 3rd, 2010|10:39 pm]
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went purple on my layout here. I like purple. just saying.

Only two people really on my Friends List will get why i did this....


....oh fine... i couldnt not let the little pasta lover have one too ( [info]pastaitaliano )

I may make one for John watson just to have... and i did with [info]itselementary

[User Picture]From: [info]hammerofjustice
2010-02-04 07:18 pm (UTC)


Ohh~ Are you thinking of joining the rp or is this just for funsies?
[User Picture]From: [info]ghostteyes
2010-02-04 07:34 pm (UTC)


a little bit of both actually. figured gilbo could use roddy to playwith pester