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Video 004 -- This is why she's a girlcrush of mine [Feb. 9th, 2010|11:08 pm]
[Current Mood | accomplished]

BECAUSE she's so bada#@. I love her to death
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Public 028 -- Boooooooored [Feb. 9th, 2010|03:06 pm]
[Current Mood | bored]

I ended up cleaning up my room a little and such, watched some House MD First Season and found Sherlock Holmes on VidReel and watched it... *sigh* I love those two.

I need to find Sherlock Holmes Soundtrack, I love the violin music.. its my inner-Roddy speaking.

Grandma's got esther murray visiting right now -- its nice for her.

May i reiterate that Chase is NOT MY TYPE. so DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK GRANDMA!!! GAH.

I would make more pasta salad...maybe later.

Im going to go see Avatar 3D with Erik tonight -- his treat apparently. prolly a mix between feeling bad about leaving halfway through the movie when we went last time and for a late birthday gift.

...i'm filled with random thoughts. nrgh.

Maybe later i'll try to focus more on writing a sherlock Fanfic on [info]itselementary or something between [info]classicalpiece or [info]pastaitaliano
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Public 027 -- Spam plz kthnx? [Feb. 6th, 2010|11:21 am]
It could be anything you want... I just want to find some way to keep myself occupied while im stuck at work to keep myself from thinking how i'll get written up if certain things dont get done.

.....I know this sounds desperate, but i sort of am. Anything to make me smile in the hell i'm walking into is worth something.
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Video 003 -- What the prat...! [Feb. 5th, 2010|05:21 am]

I cant get enough of their off-screen commentary. Just brilliant. Both Jude and Roberts facial expressions are just to classic to ignore... love it...!
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Public 026 -- pimpness [Feb. 5th, 2010|12:09 am]
So i made a community to let people share the positive

its [info]encouragement

join it, so that you can see how much i appreciate you and you can show appreciation to others. spread the word... and what not

Also meebo is hating on me as bad as a bad type of pizza or a wrong chord... *sobs*
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Public 025 -- Gratefulness [Feb. 4th, 2010|10:52 pm]
[Current Mood | thankful]

I'm thankful that I am alive and able to still be breathing, meaning that there must be more for me out there somewhere.

I'm thankful that the Big Guy upstairs loves me no matter what...

I'm thankful for the fact that even though I'm not 100 percent perfect with my mentality of who i am and what i need to be... I've got a good idea of where I need to be.

I'm thankful for my local friends. For the people in MERGE that have shown me in a way of how perhaps that i'm important... from Grant and Misty (Who are the Jason and Mira in my to Danielle Berry, the talented singer, to meeting Melissa, to Nikki.... to Shaza...

I'm thankful for my two best friends Locally, being the MAnchild and Anna. Anna for always being the sweet person that she is, and the manchild despite the fact that he is very immature that he has a heart of gold when need be, and just... for being who he is. I love them both so dearly, that it hurts... the manchild especially. But i know i'll always be there and never forsake him.

I'm thankful for the fact that reguardless that we dont get along anymore... for all of those who I used to have on my friends list. People Like Axel... Valo... Vitani... Joey....Aurora... they were still good friends, and i still think very highly of them, especially now for being past where I originally was. I'm thankful and grateful to them. And I will admit, I do miss them alot.. but i understand where things go and are.

I'm thankful for having such an amazing friend and older sister that is [info]utena. She's a strong hearted individual that i cherish a great deal.

I'm thankful for the constant friendship that has been within [info]sehnsucht, We dont talk as we often do, but I have treasured her friendship and loyalty all theese years.

i'm incredibly thankful for the sweetness that is [info]mahou -- i follow her tweets religiously on twitter, and i constantly pray for her health and happiness, because seeing her happy makes me smile.

[info]shouri -- is a twitterite that i love at any fact to make smile, and knowing that seeing her upbeat random flailing of fandom cuteness, is enough to make me thankful that someone with a heart of gold and spunk of wonder is so cute. ♥

[info]kirie .... she is tohru. Through and through. She knows the positive within a situation, even when i cant see it. She's brought the ray of sunshine and hugs when i've needed it the most.

I am grateful every day for [info]lunareuphoria -- my Kiryuu-kun. The one who reguardless has been at a distance from me, I still treasure as my kawaii kohai. Someone I cherish and love as much as I want to protect. ♥

I am exceptionally thankful for [info]omegatrinity -- because she has been someone who though words were not communicated for the longest time... i kept her dear to me. Captain... Leader... anyone she plays is always something dear, just like she's dear to me. ♥

Strength... honesty...randomness.. heart of gold behind the rough... this is the true shine that holds within the striking [info]hammerofjustice. After meeting her so many years ago, the one thought that stayed in the back of my head still stays true. I will always be here to love and appreciate her as one of my truest friends, and will always be the pillar that stands by her whenever she needs it. From Hakkai/Sanzo... Zoro/Sanji... Konzen/Tenpou... Gilbert/Roddy.... I'll always be there to back her up.

Time only strengthens things, and this is held true within the friendship i hold dearly with [info]windsor -- time beats on us, time strengthens and weakens relationships, but perservernace shows who are the truth behind each other... who understand each other through thick and thin, through their "quirks" and their "Rough spots" .... Holmes.... who will always find some way to keep me reeling in for more, and i enjoy it, because i truly adore her.

All in all... Im thankful for YOU all. Thank you.
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Public 024 [Feb. 3rd, 2010|10:39 pm]

went purple on my layout here. I like purple. just saying.

Only two people really on my Friends List will get why i did this....


....oh fine... i couldnt not let the little pasta lover have one too ( [info]pastaitaliano )

I may make one for John watson just to have... and i did with [info]itselementary
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Public 023 -- im retarded.. okay? [Feb. 2nd, 2010|11:35 pm]
[Current Mood | crappy]

Thanks to the manager from the horror down under... im feeling really low to where i know if i get too whiny ill be annoying, so ill just keep to random.

I realized why i started likeng House and Wilson as friends, because they remind me in a sense of Prusstria pairing. I mean, come on its completely flipping obvious.

For example i'll take a HILSON-ish dialogue and make it a PRUSSTRIA:

Gilbert: You took Hungary to a play...
Roddy: You can take friends to a play...
Gilbert: BLASPHEMER!! She's not a female shes an opposite species. she'll eat your head she...
Roddy: *interupts* I slept with her.
Gilbert: *shocked as heck* ...Seriously?
Roddy: *pauses dramatically*
Gilbert: *smirks pointing* youre such a damn liar Specs... yes you did!
Roddy: *pretends to blush* yes... I did...
Gilbert: *believes him* .... SERIOUSLY!?!
Roddy: ....No. You have a problem Gilbert. You think i'm your own personal toy.
Gilbert: for someone as awesome as me of course. >:D

Plus seeing the manchild was really a nice change, even if it was for only a little over an hour... hearing him say "thank you for everything" -- i thought i was fliping hearing things, but he also said i could come over friday to help him with the truck..... maybe its a sign that he misses me?

.............AUGH WTF I HATE THIS. -HEADDESKS HARD- -_o;;;;;;;;;; ill stick to this poor journal of mine instead of bugging people through aim. Darn you Desiree... Darn you to the pits of the alburning ash driven pit of despair
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Public 022 [Feb. 2nd, 2010|09:58 pm]

I like my new icons i downloaded. they're spiffy.

especially this one, where I caught Roddy giving Gilbo a surprise attack
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Public 021 -- Randomness [Feb. 1st, 2010|11:08 pm]

I'll leave this post for your imaginations... I'm just in the mood for Random, especially since Roddy wont stop playing classical. i'm trying to teach him how to play some Game music, but he's being stubborn, not to mention Italia is over making some good pizza which is making me hungry but i cant eat right now with how late it is.

plus i'm getting nagging from Watson that i should rest up my foot or else its gonna get too infected. He's just on me because Sherlock hasnt been around recently and he's off finding out new Clues for Moriarity and he's whining because he cant find Sherlock.

hmph. muses dont give you much rest do they.... darn it all down under.
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Public 020 -- sometimes wishing for the past [Jan. 29th, 2010|11:08 am]
[Current Mood | blah]

Or at least part of it... you know Journaling is not what it used to be. I know part of it is because i dont have as many people on my listing anymore, and i know people are busy, heck so am i with work at times... but its wierd not seeing alot of posts like You used to all the time.

I also am feeling kind of down in the dumps today... I dont know why I care about my best friend as much as I do... the introvert that he is....
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Public 019 -- differences around [Jan. 27th, 2010|10:41 pm]
Here's a picture of me when I was around 8th-9th Grade:

And here's the most recent picture of me as of now:
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Cryptic 002 -- Baka da na... watashi... [Jan. 27th, 2010|09:10 pm]
[Current Mood | blank]

For repeating the past.... it truly makes me an idiot in the worst way doesnt it? Why is it in that aspect i never learn...
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Public 018 -- ask me anything [Jan. 27th, 2010|04:35 pm]
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Public 017 -- yay for half days today [Jan. 26th, 2010|06:10 am]
[Current Mood | calm]

Hopefully i'll get out around twelve, but i know there's alot that needs to be done, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. i got a few things i gotta do.

i've had austria, italy and watson on the brain. what the heck. rofl. been too long since ive had muses stuck in my head. its kinda fun.

i'll prolly stop to go see my brother and his puppy on my way home today. we'll have to see.

Work was okay, luckily i wont be there wednesday when the big 4 show up (That's Marcy, Bernadette, Shelly and Monique.)

Anyway -- how are you guys doing?
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Public 016 -- Mentally preparing myself [Jan. 25th, 2010|10:45 am]

I posted two private posts for two seperate special people to give them something to smile about... just tid-bits, nothing more.

but right now im mentally preparing myself for facing Desiree's wrath when i walk into the store today at noon for leaving the overs/unders/ect the way they were.
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Public 015 -- Forwarned [Jan. 24th, 2010|11:58 pm]

This is what i walked into today at Work, the picture is behind the cut:

Oh the insanity.... )

So yeeeahh.... this is where my day has gone. I did the best with what people i had and what time we were allowed to stay (Which was till ten pretty much... ) but i'm going to be going in full ready to be screamed at tomorrow around twelve by desiree.

But if it wasnt for Gilbert posting pictures of him trying to seduce Roddy *muffles the man's wanting to say something*

And seeing Ashe respond with an icon of Holmes in the comment I left her on her journal... those two things did kind of make things easier.
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Public 014 -- BOOOOORRREEED (slightly) [Jan. 23rd, 2010|10:48 am]

And i'll leave it open for myself, or any muse if you so wish to do it. That's how intrigued i am to see what comes up of it. If there's any questions at all you wanna ask, feel free. and if so, i can interview you as well.
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Public 013 -- a song i love to listen to here and there [Jan. 23rd, 2010|10:34 am]
[Current Mood | slightly better]

Melody go round
Sung by: Okiayou Ryotarou

Japanese Lyrics )

English Translation:
Dressed up by the mirror
Ah I am reflected
But my straining pride
Hides my real face

Illusion and reality
Ah I am always deluded
As I come to terms with it
Somehow I'll live today in calmness

Noise lurking out from the street corner
Begins to surround me [Yesterday]
Enveloping my sullen heart
In a gentle melody

From the building's grove even the sky cannot be seen
I am drowning in the wave of time but
There is a new path which nobody knows
I like to dream that those who are venturous
Will go to the other side of that distant rainbow
I begin to walk

Pettiness and sadness
But people can be selfish
Encouragement and kindness
Sometimes can be very troublesome

Tuning the radio
Humming [Love me do]
The growing sensation of the music
Melts and absorbs me

From the building's grove even the sky cannot be seen
I am drowning in the wave of time but
I'll head for the future that can't be seen
Solitude is my friend wherever I go
I won't look back while on that definite path
Those who are pure and adventurous can
Catch the violently raging wind
I continue on the journey
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Public 012 -- Does your depravity know. no bounds? [Jan. 23rd, 2010|01:56 am]
[Current Mood | sick]

So i start the first two hours coming home after watching Sherlock Holmes for yet a 3rd time (twice with Anna which is quite interesting)

And though i still sit here with a mild fever and sniffles... we'll see how the day carries on.
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