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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]get_medieval,
The horror is only on her eyes for a moment as it all goes through her mind, but it feels longer.

She's about to ask him what he means, but she knows.

She's about to tell him that's not how it works -- and it isn't. Her Lady-Mother laid down her life in the struggle to fix what had happened to the clan, but once it was fixed, that would have been it. Her interuppted marriage could have resumed; Shingen's sins could have been laid to rest after him. As she had not had to slay him herself, she could have moved on.

But while Yashida Mariko was old-fashioned enough to be a great daimyo, she was not from the 14th century. People had the wrong idea back then.

And normally, Amiko is always ready to say when something's wrong. Criminals, bureaucrats, and Yomiuri Giants fans alike have all met the brutal force of her impeccable correction.

She'd corrected Hajime before, of course, about perfectly understandable ignorance in navigating the modern world, and he had immediately been corrected (even without understanding the new information). But that wasn't about his family.

It wasn't that she hadn't broken down a man's total worldview before. But Keiji had been duped, manipulated, and abused. He'd been made into a weapon of lies, and there was something else he was supposed to be, and Amiko felt that deep down, he'd known it.

Hajime was exactly what he was supposed to be. There was nothing more to say about this.

And Amiko, with her push for the investigation and pursuit, a pursuit she can't in good conscience call off....she's killed him.

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