john lennon - stage [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
john lennon

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[info]stage [Feb. 3rd, 2008|12:39 pm]
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it was twenty years ago today sgt. pepper taught the band to play, they've been going in and out of style but they're guaranteed to raise a smile. so may i introduce to you the act you've known for all these years, sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band

[User Picture]From: [info]bbrendonu
2008-02-03 07:56 pm (UTC)


i've got ninety-nine problems but a ryan ain't one
[User Picture]From: [info]georgery
2008-02-04 09:42 pm (UTC)


you know the type loud as a motorbike but wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight
[User Picture]From: [info]sashlee
2008-02-04 01:18 am (UTC)


i had to say hello, couldn't help myself
[User Picture]From: [info]georgery
2008-02-04 09:42 pm (UTC)

