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geekgreek ([info]geekgreek) wrote,
@ 2011-05-05 19:54:00

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Memeage Ahoy!
List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.

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2011-05-08 03:00 am UTC (link)
1)"Do you have any sevens?"

"Go fish."

*Blush* "How did our girlfriends talk us into strip Go Fish?"

*:}* "You don't hear them complaining, do you?"

2) The charity race they had ended just about as well as all the others: ruined by obnoxious villains. Steven enjoyed the run nonetheless and they decided to make it a yearly thing. Jon was joining in on the next one, though.

3) Will had two options when going into Stevens bachelor party: As someone having a fun time or as the guinea pig for whatever the strippers wanted.

4) Will was a Groomsman for Steven the day he and Mickey tied the knot. And unbeknownst to Will, Steven arranged it for Avia to get the bouquet.

5) Something bad about marrying a Rayner: Major Force always comes back to haunt you. Something good about being a good friend of a Marvel? Having someone to hold said Major while you rip the Speed out of him and leave him a statue.*

*No Rayners, Garricks, or Freemans were harmed in this future.

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