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geekgreek ([info]geekgreek) wrote,
@ 2011-05-05 19:54:00

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Memeage Ahoy!
List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.

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2011-05-06 12:39 am UTC (link)
Let's be mildly obscure and do Will/Sindella possible kids!

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2011-05-06 12:49 am UTC (link)
1) Johnny Freeman, the oldest, has a strong touch of his grandfather. It manifested as a streak of blond hair.

2) The Twins, Mary and Zee, are both aspiring actresses. One of the (and they won't cop to who) recreated an picture their mom took.

3) Johnny was the first to manifest magical abilities. He is taking after Uncle Zach, but with a touch of sinister: his suits are black with red highlights, and his shows are more horror oriented.

4) All of the children are fans of Bela Lugosi. They all bugged their mother to try and talk with him on several occasions.

5) Johnny isn't intentionally after his grandfather. He was named after Jonathan Kent.

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