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geekgreek ([info]geekgreek) wrote,
@ 2011-05-05 19:54:00

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Memeage Ahoy!
List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.

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2011-05-08 04:42 am UTC (link)
1) Joey annoyed the hell out of Michael. No two ways about it. And Michael let him know that.

So why did Michael agree to this inter-team trade idea that the JLA came up with? Michael was curious about Joey. and his ability to do much the same Michael could with his own body, in addition to creating carbon.

2) "Oh, come on, man! This is a great idea!"

"No. Nothing about this idea is great."

"You pansy."

*Glare* "..."

*Glare back* "You know you are, Choi."

"Give me that damn camera. If Terra kills or tries to kill me, I'll make sure she knows you're involved."

3) The incident above lands them both on temporary suspension from their respective teams. The two spend most of the time on said suspension sniping at one another for it.

This quickly degenerates into an insult contest between the two. When the suspension is over, it turns out the contest is the talk of the community. And each team claims their member won.

4) They become a very workable duo, not unlike some of their predecessors. They also snip banter at one another whenever they get a chance. Their nicknames for one another when they get to the playful insults? "Stoner Ben" for Joey and "Rufio" for Michael.

5) "Hey. Mike?"

"What did you do?"

"I...uhhh...I may have asked the big one."

"What? As in...marriage?"

"Uhhh, yeah. So, ummm..."

"Drinks or Vegas trip?"

"Vegas. Definitely Vegas."

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2011-05-08 07:44 pm UTC (link)
oh, man, that's awesome.

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