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Andy Walters/Titan

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What does a billionaire do with his day? [01 Jun 2012|08:18am]
Andy Walters worked hard and played harder. As the head of his father's company (it had taken a LOT of legal wrangling to make THAT happen), it was now his responsibility to guide the company to a profitable bottom-line while making sure that those who needed support received it. He'd had to go back to school and work on his Business degree, but many of his credits transferred and the necessary time needed was limited dramatically.

The increased knowledge, along with a well-built team, helped Olympian Enterprises climb to the top and fight with the big boys on the mountain.

Now, however, Andy picks up his phone to call one of two very important people.

He just hopes she's home because he's got a big announcement to make.

"Hey, Beautiful. Tell me you're awake on your side of the world."
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Titan's B-Day, continued [04 Jul 2011|11:22pm]
Adult Content... )
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Application for Amadeus [30 May 2010|06:48pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On file
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name:  Morris Amadeus “Andy” Walters
Character LJ (if applicable): gammagodling
Physical description (face, build, weight): Andy Walters stands at 6’4” in his regular form, with dark hair and a day or two of stubble. He is solidly built, though not overly imposing. In his “War Form”, Andy is 7’5”, with emerald green skin and eyes and black hair. In both forms, he has mystic tattoos over his right arm and down his back.
Age: 22
Birthday: June 10th
PB: (If using one.) Craig Horner (human form) Skaar (War Form)
Abilities:  Andy is highly resistant to toxins , and is virtually immune to diseases and common sickness. He is long-lived, and possesses a healing factor that aids him in healing from damage. He can also lift up to ten tons and is immune to small caliber gunfire.

Andy also has the ability to take on a “War Form” which is similar in appearance to that of the Incredible Hulk, though he is noticeably shorter. In this form, he is able to lift 100 tons maximum, as well as having increased jumping and leaping ability. His healing factor and durability increase exponentially during this time. When sufficiently injured, he may also lapse into a “Blood rage” which increases his speed and reaction times, and makes him highly resistant to mental domination, but this leaves him much fatigued afterward, likely reverting him to his less powered form.  He also does not often remember what happens during his blood rages, and endeavors to keep them from happening as often as he can.

Andy is a skilled combatant, having learned self-defense from both his mother and father. He is also good with a sword, and has his own specially forged adamantine weapon, which is a “gift” from his grandfather, Zeus. The weapon is enchanted to change forms with him. He is also capable of logical and creative thinking in his War Form.

Weaknesses and flaws: Andy is susceptible to injury from magic weapons and mysticism in both forms. Andy is much less inhibited in his War Form, and more prone to fighting and making rude or taunting comments. He is usually aware of what happens in his war form and can think creatively, but this decreases the more his lust for battle grows. He is never aware of what happens during his blood rages.

Character location/Home: Wandering
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Jennifer Walters (Mother, living), Hercules (Father, living), Wyatt Wingfoot (Step-Father), Morris Walters (Maternal Grandfather, deceased), Zeus (Paternal Grandfather, living), Hera (Maternal Step-Grandmother, living), Bruce Banner (Maternal Second Cousin, living), Argo (Paternal Half-Brother, living), Various Olympian Relatives on his father’s side.

Backstory:  Morris Amadeus Walters is the son of Hercules, Prince of Power, and the Sensational She-Hulk. While his parents did not elect to stay together for various reasons after his birth Amadeus, or Andy, as he is known, spent time with both of them, learning about both sides of his heritage.  Raised primarily on Earth, he also knows his brother Argo, as well as several of his mother’s friends and their children.  Jennifer also changed aspects of her life after her son’s birth; she was still feisty and outspoken, but no longer so willing to engage in casual flings, as she wanted to set an example for her son. She eventually found her way to back to old flame Wyatt Wingfoot, who regards Andy as his own.

Upon his tenth year, Hercules brought Amadeus to Olympus to meet his grandfather, Zeus.  Shortly before Andy’s arrival, Zeus received word of a newly seen prophecy:  That the son of his son would cast him down, as Zeus did to his father and his to his own father before him. Upon learning of Andy’s parentage, Zeus believed the prophecy referred to him and banished him from Olympus. Andy did not understand why his grandfather chose to do so, and the tiny seed of anger was sown that day.

Years later, Andy discovered his increased strength when he was being bullied in school. At this point, Jennifer decided to teach her son to defend himself without hurting others and enlisted Hercules’ aid as well. Soon after Andy discovered his war form, Jennifer became increasingly worried that Andy was walking the same path as her cousin, Bruce. After a talk with his father about life and other matters, Andy resolved see the world and learn more about himself as a person. His father presented him with a “peace offering” from his grandfather, but the sword is actually weapon devised to kill Andy if and when he should decide to attack Olympus.

The sword is attuned to be used to fullest effect by the one person the prophecy says can kill “The Destroyer of Olympus”: his brother, Argo.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Andy is a Criminal Justice Major at ESU, and can get involved in any fight or plot where a strong-arm type is needed. 

What are you planning to do with this character? Have get to know his brother Argo and make some friends, as he doesn’t have many. Also I’d like to do a story or two involving the Olympian Gods or even some of the other Pantheons.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want to see Andy make friends, meet other Godlings and kick some ass. Maybe even a throw down against his cousin, the Hulk, or some of the monsters and baddies of legend. He is always up for a fight.

Sample Post: 

"Hey, Mom, it's me. Just letting you and Wyatt know I'm back from visiting Dad. I'd like to get together and have dinner anytime you two are free, so call me when you get this. Love you."

Andy Walters hangs up the phone and sets his bags down at the front door of his apartment. Everything was just how he left it, of course, and the lights were only off right now because he hadn't turned them on. Mom, Wyatt and Dad had pretty much fallen all over themselves to find him an apartment and take care of things for him, though he'd asked several times to be allowed to handle the bills on his own. That never stopped any of them from paying them in advance sometimes, but most often they let him handle it.

Still, if he didn't let Mom do things for him sometimes, then she'd either take it personally, and send Wyatt to talk to him...or worse yet, start snooping around. It's tough to bring a girl home when your mother is a seven-plus foot emerald goddess of sorts. Eithe they're too freaked out and intimidated to keep dating your...or they want autographs, or to talk about what it's like being a super-hero.  Andy heard that women waited outside the Avengers' old compound in California on a daily basis to catch a glimpse of his big brother, Argo, which always made him laugh.

Argo enjoyed the spirit of things, much like Dad did; Andy himself wasn't that kind of guy, or at least, not the part of him he shared with people. Sometimes, he wished he was more like his brother and his Dad or even how his Mom used to be. Most days, though, he wished he could find someone who understood what it was like to be him.

"Yeah, because that'll happen." he says, chiding himself.

He grabbed the rest of his bags and headed to his room to unpack. Maybe he could get to Big Nick's before closing if he hurried.


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