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On the Subject of Dad... [28 Nov 2010|02:59pm]
Alex checked around the house for the fourth time in ten minutes. Dad was gone and he'd taken Fish-Face (codename: Mera) with him. They were probably going to visit Grandma Two and Grandpa Two down in Poseidonis for the weekend. Donna was waiting in the living room for the coast to be clear while Mom made lunch. She liked having them over more and more these days, despite the fact that she controlled all topics of conversation while they were there.

And she never told them the things they wanted to know.

Deciding that the coast was as clear as it was going to get, Alex signals to his twin sister to join him in the kitchen to begin the assault.

"Hey, Mom. Donna and I need to talk to you." he says simply.

"About Dad." he clarifies.

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[16 Oct 2010|07:45pm]
Character Name: Cerdian Alexander Harper

Character LJ (if applicable): full_arsenal

Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'11, dark hair, blue eyes

Age: 23

Birthday: June 23rd

Codename (if using one): Ravager

PB: Ian Somerhalder

Abilities: Alex has received extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, like his sister Donna, but he excels in the use of ranged weaponry, both archaic and modern. Bladed weapons are his friend and he's a decent shot with a gun, but he doesn't like killing people.

Weaknesses and flaws: Alex is a normal human male, with all the desires and drives that come with. He's also a womanizer and likes to drink, to the chagrin of his step-father, all of his uncles, a few of his aunts and all four of his grandfathers.

Character location/Home: Star City, Titans Tower.

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: Teen Titans

Relatives (living/dead?): Damien Wilson (father, living), Lian Harper (mother, living), Cerdian (stepfather, living), Donna Rose Harper (twin sister, living), Mera Harper (younger half-sister, living), Roy Harper (grandfather, living), Jade Ngyuen (grandmother, living), Slade Wilson (grandfather, living), Talia al Ghul (grandmother, living), Garth (step-grandfather, living), Dolphin (step-grandmother living), Ra's al Ghul (great-grandfather, deceased), Oliver Queen (adoptive great-grandfather, living), Dinah Lance (adoptive great-grandmother, living), Keith Queen (adoptive uncle, living), Robert Queen (adoptive uncle, living), Mia Dearden (adoptive aunt, living), Connor Hawke (adoptive uncle, living), Morgaine King (aunt, living), Joseph Wilson (uncle, living), Rose Wilson (aunt, living), Grant Wilson (uncle, deceased).

Backstory:  Alex is the second of the twins born to Lian Harper and Damien Wilson. He doesn't think the full minute is such a big deal, but when his sister starts rubbing it in, he just argues that Mom "saved the best for last". And no, that doesn't mean his dorky little sister, Mera. He loves his sisters, his step-father and his mother, and is proud to be a Titan as well as a member of the Arrow Family's legacy.

Known as the "Prince of Star City", Alex has his grandfather Oliver's reputation among the ladies. He can usually be found out at the clubs until the wee hours, hitting on women or in the Titans Tower training like a madman. Granted, he takes his training as seriously as he does his flirting, probably more so. What few people realize is that Alexander (only Mom calls him Cerdian) uses his womanizing and his training to cover up for the fact that he's starting to become more and more curious about the man responsible for his being alive. He doesn't know Damien Wilson, but he's heard stories from multiple sources.

The rumors are starting to make him wonder just how little he knows about his family and he's considering taking a trip to learn more about the League soon. Sadly, Alex thinks it would be best to do alone, without Donna, because he knows she wants nothing to do with their father.

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