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User:fugitivepieces (10924)
Fugitive Pieces
though with such inordinate self-love he would probably have not been very happy
Name:Lord Byron
Bio:A material resurrection seems strange, and even absurd, except for purposes of punishment; and all punishment, which is to revenge rather than correct, must be morally wrong. And when the World is at an end, what moral or warning purpose can eternal tortures answer? Human passions have probably disfigured the divine doctrines here, but the whole thing is inscrutable. It is useless to tell me not to reason, but to believe. You might as well tell a man not to wake but sleep. And then to bully with torments! and all that; I cannot help thinking that the menace of Hell makes as many devils, as the severe penal codes of inhuman humanity make villains.

Man is born passionate of body, with an innate though secret tendency to the love of Good in his Mainspring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at present a sad jar of atoms.

Schools:None listed
People72:actonbell, alwayswinter, ambitiousguest, arcadiamods, armavirumque, asinodoro, aurora_leigh, b612, backintheussr, bellesoeur, blackspring, collages, composedofnows, confessions, crucialinstance, currerbell, darleschickens, daughterofeve, delosingenios, echoesofwar, eitheror, ellisbell, finisterre, foolhardy, fugitivepieces, gloryanddream, houseoflife, idealhusband, jackpine, jumpatdesun, juvenal, leftoverlife, makuranososhi, manofmalta, manofthecrowd, manyminded, martial, mercystreet, minorarcana, modernlothario, news, nodominion, onceoutofnature, osceola, parveliber, persuademe, portuguese, queenofbithynia, raindrenched, roseandyew, sangwyn, shillingshocker, sido, steptoe, strangevictory, superannuated, system, tempusfugitive, theantichrist, thedrapier, thegooddoctor, themissus, truepenny, ubersehen, uncertainspring, undonne, ungeziefer, whitestone, winterplans, wiseblood, withoutasummer, yesisaidyes
Friend of:60: actonbell, alwayswinter, arcadiamods, armavirumque, asinodoro, aurora_leigh, backintheussr, bellesoeur, blackspring, collages, composedofnows, confessions, crucialinstance, currerbell, daughterofeve, delosingenios, doctus, echoesofwar, eitheror, finisterre, foolhardy, fugitivepieces, gloryanddream, graveleaf, houseoflife, idealhusband, jumpatdesun, juvenal, leftoverlife, makuranososhi, manofmalta, martial, minorarcana, modernlothario, nodominion, onceoutofnature, osceola, parveliber, persuademe, portuguese, queenofbithynia, raindrenched, roseandyew, sangwyn, strangevictory, superannuated, tempusfugitive, theantichrist, thedrapier, thegooddoctor, themissus, ubersehen, uncertainspring, undonne, whitestone, winepress, winterplans, wiseblood, withoutasummer, yesisaidyes
Member of:1: arcadia
Account type:Early Adopter

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