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Princess Korra Fen Frost-McKenzie

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [31 Jan 2013|01:44am]
Korra Frost-McKenzie


Psychic Scanning - Chance to form a preemptive psychic attack when attack. Guaranteed preemptive psychic attack against psychic attacks.

L1 - Confusion - Psychic attack, single opponent. Causes dizziness and off-balance.
L2 - Telekinesis - Single target attack. Sixty percent chance of stun.
L6 - Telepathic Scanning - Single opponent. Grants class change.
L9 - Psychic Princess Power - All enemies, unavoidable psychic attack. Causes migraine.

Flashback: Two Years Ago [27 Nov 2012|10:44pm]
Korra had never been so nervous in her entire life. Just a few days ago, her father had shown up unannounced at her mother's home, and informed her that she had an older sister, from his second marriage. He'd also told her that the council had decided that Korra be removed from being first in line to inherit the throne, in favor for this older, legitimate daughter. Namor had explained that it he'd no other choice, as Nimue (as he told her name was) was older than her, and from a marriage, not a one night stand as she had been. Okay, so maybe he didn't say the last part, but Korra did know that her parents had never married each other, just remained on good terms with one another. While Korra understood that her father had to follow the law, there was a part of that felt a little confused and hurt. Though having a sister was something she'd always wanted, so it couldn't be all that bad, right? After all, her sister didn't demand that she inherit the throne first, right? It was the law, and they all had to follow it.

Emma had been furious with Namor. Korra couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her parents argue like that. Luckily, Korra's stepfather and brother had intervened before the argument could get too out of hand. Emma was mostly furious about "not doing anything and casting his daughter aside". Namor assured Korra that that was not his intention. Korra believed her father. She was generally a little confused of what to make of the situation.

Korra went straight to her room, as she wanted to collect her nerves before meeting her new big sister. She didn't want to come off as mean or unaccepting. She wanted to get to know her, and make her feel welcome.

There was a formal dinner that night, to properly introduce Princess Nimue to the Atlantean Court. Korra wanted to talk to her beforehand, though.

She took a deep breath, and opened her door. Korra made her way down to the hall to the room Nimue was staying in. She took another deep breath, and knocked.

"...Nimue?" She asked, when she opened the door. "Hi. I'm Korra. Your sister. May I please come in?"

Application for [info]marvel_nextgen [26 Nov 2012|02:23pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie [info]msalliepants
AIM (if you have one): msalliepants
Character Name: Princess Korra Fen Frost-McKenzie.
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]frosted_water
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'6", 121 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes. Distinctively lacks ankle wings.
Age: 18
Birthday: November 1st.
PB: Ashley Greene
Abilities: From her father, Korra has a hybrid of human/Atlantean physiology, being of both the homo meranus and homo superior. Her Atlantean physiology allows her to be able to see, breathe, and survive at great depths underwater. She also has enhanced strength able to lift up around fifteen tons, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability, though not on the same level of normal Atlanteans. Though unlike her father, Korra lacks ankle wings.

A little gift from the Frost-side of her heritage, Korra is a budding telepath and telekinetic, having first tapped into her psychic abilities at the age of thirteen. Though she is still learning to perfect these abilities (with her mother's training), Korra can currently project her thoughts into the minds of others, read at least surface thoughts (and other thoughts, if she probes deeper, but she doesn't like to do this unless she absolutely has to, because she finds it very rude and intrusive), can lift around two-hundred-fifty pounds with her tk before straining, and has figured out how to use her tk to allow for her to fly.
Weaknesses and flaws: Though she is part-Atlantean, Korra is still vulernable to injury. Just because she is durable, it doesn't mean that bullets or lasers won't hurt her. Because of her young age, her powers still require a certain level of concentration when being used, making her more open to being attacked.
Character location/Home: Atlantis/Alpha Flight HQ.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero.
Relatives (living/dead?): Namor McKenzie (father, living), Emma Frost (mother, living), Nimue Smallwood (older half-sister, living), Namora (cousin, living), Namorita Prentiss (cousin, living), Mackenzie Rider (cousin, living), Woo Shi Yi "Derek" (cousin, living), possible numerous half-siblings.
Backstory: Korra is the result of an affair between Emma Frost and Prince Namor of Atlantis. At the time when Emma found out she was pregnant, she was still the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. Sebastian Shaw, learning of Emma's pregnancy, planned to exploit the baby and use her to try and force Namor to join the ranks of the HFC. Emma, who would have no such thing for her unborn child, went to Atlantis to tell Namor about her pregnancy. Originally, Namor wanted the child solely raised in Atlantis, as he didn't want his unborn daughter to have any ties with the Hellfire Club. Emma, wanting to be involved in her daughter's live, but also wanting her to protected from Shaw's exploitation, retired from the Hellfire Club. Nine months later, Emma gave birth to a daughter, who Namor named Korra Fen Frost-McKenzie after his maternal grandmother and mother.

During her childhood, Korra was raised jointly by her parents, spending six months out of the year in Atlantis, and six months on the surface with her mother, though Emma visited her daughter frequently. Korra had the best tutors, in both Atlantis and on the surface at her mother's home in New York City. She was groomed to have excellent manners, leadership skills, and an eye for business. While Korra mostly played the roll of refined princess, she had a bit of a playful side, and was known for playing practical jokes on some of her more "boring" tutors.

When Korra was sixteen, Namor found out that he had a daughter with his second wife, Marina, named Nimue Smallwood. As the oldest child, Nimue was given the birthright of being first in line to inherit the throne of Atlantis . At first, Korra felt hurt, and a little disappointed in herself. This all changed when she met her sister Nimue for the first time. The two girls bonded quickly, and Korra decided that if she wasn't going to be queen, then she would be the best adviser to her sister and help her in any way that she could when it came time to inherit the throne.

Upon her eighteenth birthday, Korra petitioned her father to allow her to spend more time on the surface, as she wanted to be a hero, like her sister and cousins. Namor agreed, under the condition that she either join Alpha Flight, with her sister, or the Avengers, with her cousin, Mackenzie. After some serious thought, and with her mother's blessing for her to start doing things on her own, Korra has elected to join Alpha Flight, her sister's team.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Join Alpha Flight.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Explore new things. She's always been a little sheltered, and this is a chance for her to branch out and form new friendships, try new things, and grow into her own as a member of a superhero team.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: See above.

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